Andrew G.
Default external NuxtLinks to use target="_blank"
Is there a way to configure the default 'target' attribute value based on if it is an external vs internal link? I have not found a way, but asking before I add more lines of code to do the logic myself. Thanks.
4 replies
Quick question: Anyone else have issues with nuxt-lodash not auto-importing in Nuxt 4 compatibility?
I am just beginning to debug this issue. Lodash functions are not being auto-imported for me. I'm using compatibilityVersion: 4, but that may not be the problem. I will update this post as I get more information and/or figure out the problem. Thanks.
4 replies
Trying to disable css minification but keep css purge functionality.
Is there a way to configure cssnano in the Nuxt Config to disable only minification, but keep css purge? Safari is having a problem with some Tailwind CSS styles after a build, and I've narrowed it down to minification. If I disable cssnano completely it works, but I need to keep the purge functionality for Tailwind.
1 replies