Filament layout to livewire component
hi Bruno! i've just create a Custom Page but it can be possibile only inside a panel. I want this page outside the login. I need this like a landing page, a register page. Not under login protection. I don't know if i'm explaing well sorry
26 replies
Filament layout to livewire component
do you mean this https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/resources/custom-pages ? But i need that page outside the admin panel
26 replies
Filament layout to livewire component
i've not Page class here. I 've a controller and a route bindend in web.php like this:
Route::get('/invites/register/{token}', [InviteController::class, 'show'])->name('invites.register');
in the show method of controller i do this:
and inside invite.show
26 replies
ExportBulkAction don't work with selected record
More info from this: the problem seems to be the selection above, if i not remove the string in the input search i obtain only the last selected export row. If i remove that string i can export all the rows...it's a bug?
3 replies
Disable view action when click on row
Ok, try to explain better:
in my table when i click on a row, i mean not in a particular column but in every part of the single row, it causes the open of the modal view record. It's clear this? Ok i want to disable this behavior, I want when I click on the row the modal window not to open.
It's more clear now?
11 replies