Filament layout to livewire component
hi, i've a Livewire component like this:
and iside
i want to set a x-filament-panels layout.base
How can i do?
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I understood perfectly, in this case you need to manually style the page, you'll need to install tailwind globally in the project (filament uses tailwind but it's style is locked inside the filament ecosystem) and build it from scratch. Imagine that you dont have filament installed.
19 Replies
try something like:
this is not the right one but this how to use all of the filament blade views and componentsread this for more details:
Hello, @ocram82
I can help you, please DM
i try both:
with error: is "Call to a member function getRenderHookScopes() on null"
with error: Method App\Livewire\InviteRegister::getCachedSubNavigation does not exist.
Are you rendering your custom view inside a filament panel or outside panels builder?
probably because the component is not extending the Page class.
i've not Page class here. I 've a controller and a route bindend in web.php like this:
Route::get('/invites/register/{token}', [InviteController::class, 'show'])->name('invites.register');
in the show method of controller i do this:
and inside
when i navigate the link it all works but i can't use a layout because i've the errors before
I know, but you gotta keep in mind that FIlament uses livewire and not the other way around. So you have a standalone livewire component outside of the filament ecosystem.
You can use the forms, actions, tables packages because you can import them, but the layouts I think its confined to the filament
ok, thanks, so what's the proper way to build a landing page using Filament layout?
create a custom page
that page should be outside the admin login
do you mean this ? But i need that page outside the admin panel
Then you have to use css+tailwind. Create a custom theme
ok i'll try tomorrow and i give a feedback. Thanks a lot for now
no prob
hi Bruno! i've just create a Custom Page but it can be possibile only inside a panel. I want this page outside the login. I need this like a landing page, a register page. Not under login protection. I don't know if i'm explaing well sorry
I understood perfectly, in this case you need to manually style the page, you'll need to install tailwind globally in the project (filament uses tailwind but it's style is locked inside the filament ecosystem) and build it from scratch. Imagine that you dont have filament installed.
If you want some ui kits to ease the process you can check this link
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