Bruno Pereira
Bug? regarding clusters navigation
So I have some clusters assigned to some resources and when I override the canAccess and shouldRegisterNAvigation function in the cluster class. It disables the main cluster route but not the resources ones. The user can manually type the url and access it.
Cluster = Settings::class (url = /settings),
User Resource uses Settings cluster (url = /settings/users).
return false on both functions the result is
/settings gives 403 but /settings/users gives 200 and can access everything related to the resource.
Is it intended and I should fiddle with the canAccess of the resource or a bug?
2 replies
Weird behavior when creating resource
Hey there, so I tried creating creating a new resource to my project with the command
It creates the files, routes all great. But when I open the project it doesn't recognize this new resource, it gives 404 errors when manually putting the URL (while on php artisan route:list they are there)... The sidebar only shows the already existing resources.
I tried to delete vendor folder, install packages, clear cache, another browser.
The Model exists, the migration and seeder works because I already have data on the table...
Any clues on why this is happening?
Filament version: v3.2.95
Laravel version: 11.9
4 replies
FilamentColor::register() not working properly
Hello everyone, I'm trying to override the default colors in my AppServiceProvider boot function, like so
And when I use a class like bg-primary-500 it works but if I use any other color it doesn't. Anyone has this problem too?
P.S. When I change the color of 'primary' the application detects that change.
Laravel: 10.10
Filament: 3.2.*
PHP: 8.2
6 replies
change data before create/edit actions on modal
Hey guys so I have a resource that uses a modal to perform the create and edit actions and I have two datepickers (start_date and end_date) and they work ok but I want to when I persist the changes I want that start_date starts at the beginning of the day and end_date at end of day.
I saw that I can change the handleRecordUpdate but only works when I have the create or edit page created.
Thanks in advance
4 replies