Created by salvaje_ on 6/13/2023 in #✋|help
Go project build failed with error "gcc" not found
I am trying to deploy my Go project in a monorepo under backend sub-directory. I set the environment variable CGO_ENABLED=0 and use the build command go build --tags "sqlite_foreign_keys=1" -o out. I use the package and want the foreign keys to be enforced. When building I getting an error cgo: C compiler "gcc" not found: exec: "gcc": executable file not found in $PATH. How do I proceed from here?
9 replies
Created by salvaje_ on 5/15/2023 in #✋|help
Is there a way to attach block storage to a railway app?
I am working on a Golang app with a Postgresql db and want to be able to run git commands (mainly clone and pull) and perform some operations on code files. I also want to be able to delete the files once the operations are done. I though of using block storage for that, but I am not sure if that is going to work, and if Railway supports attaching block storage. What is the best way to go about this?
6 replies