CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 11/15/2023 in #pages-help
Intermittent Failed: an internal error occurred during pages build step
Seeing some random errors during the build step off and on the last few days. When the build step fails due to our code the build step still completes, but fails with a Nuxt Fatal Error instead of a Cloudflare Fatal Error. Haven't noticed any alerts from Cloudflare status page that would impact our Pages builds, just want to figure out what's causing these errors.
4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 10/26/2023 in #pages-help
Pages build doesn't seem to be taking environment var changes
framework: NuxtJS Build system: v1 I have a pages project that uses a nuxt build module to exlude pages when set to a specific value, regardless of what I set the value to in the Pages environment it is still excluding those pages from the build. Things I've tried: - Removing the build module from the nuxt.config.js - Removing the build module from the nuxt config as well as the file from the project - Clearing build cache + steps above None of these steps seem to be working and I'm still unable to generate all of the pages. Does anyone have any insight as to what could be happening here?
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 10/19/2023 in #pages-help
Pages build times have gone from 20 mins to 35+ mins
Last week we started seeing our pages build step time increase by about 15 minutes with no code changes to warrant such a jump. This results in the project exceeding the Cloudflare Pages build time limit and failing. I've run tests locally, in Vercel, and Jenkins as a comparison to validate that claim. Vercel Production build time: 24:38 Local Production build time: 22:12 Jenkins production build time: 21:28 Kind of at a loss here as we are unsure of how to resolve this issue. This is becoming very worrisome for my team and I as we have been unable to deploy through Cloudflare Pages for a week now.
179 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 10/13/2023 in #pages-help
Pages Deployments are 504ing still
We are currently having issues with the dashboard displaying once we click into one of our pages projects. It seems like the request to pull the deployments is failing on the server side and responding with a 504 - the request is using the following params for the deployments api route: /deploysments?page=1&per_page=15&sort_by=create_on&sort_order=desc. I'm suspecting it may be due to the number of deployments we currently have, but I am not 100% sure. This is a bit of a blocker and we are looking for a way to be able to service our pages project in the dashboard again.
2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 10/9/2023 in #pages-help
Pages Dashboard not loading
We are currently having issues with the dashboard displaying once we click into one of our pages projects. It seems like the request to pull the deployments is failing on the server side and responding with a 504 - the request is using the following params for the deployments api route: /deploysments?page=1&per_page=15&sort_by=create_on&sort_order=desc. I'm suspecting it may be due to the number of deployments we currently have, but I am not 100% sure. This is a bit of a blocker and we are looking for a way to be able to see our project's dashboard again.
3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by elijah on 4/18/2023 in #pages-help
Pages - Failing to deploy pages site that does not contain CF Functions
We are seeing some odd errors after a the build and upload steps are both successful:
Success: Assets published!
Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred.
Success: Assets published!
Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Unknown internal error occurred.
Our project does not contain any functions that are to be published, any help is greatly appreciated.
12 replies