Pages Dashboard not loading

We are currently having issues with the dashboard displaying once we click into one of our pages projects. It seems like the request to pull the deployments is failing on the server side and responding with a 504 - the request is using the following params for the deployments api route: /deploysments?page=1&per_page=15&sort_by=create_on&sort_order=desc. I'm suspecting it may be due to the number of deployments we currently have, but I am not 100% sure. This is a bit of a blocker and we are looking for a way to be able to see our project's dashboard again.
1 Reply
elijahOP2y ago
After the dashboard has tried a number of retries to pull in the page of deployments it ends up redirecting to the Gateway time-out page disaplying error code 504 More context - We do have another pages project with < 100 deployments and that seems to load fine, which is why I'm curious if it could be the number of deployments. We also have an automated cron job that goes through our larger project's deployments and deletes old deploys, even with that we are still at about 1000 deployments for that project.

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