Pages build times have gone from 20 mins to 35+ mins

Last week we started seeing our pages build step time increase by about 15 minutes with no code changes to warrant such a jump. This results in the project exceeding the Cloudflare Pages build time limit and failing. I've run tests locally, in Vercel, and Jenkins as a comparison to validate that claim. Vercel Production build time: 24:38 Local Production build time: 22:12 Jenkins production build time: 21:28 Kind of at a loss here as we are unsure of how to resolve this issue. This is becoming very worrisome for my team and I as we have been unable to deploy through Cloudflare Pages for a week now.
118 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak311mo ago
Are you using build caching on your pages project?
elijah11mo ago
I don't believe we are for that project specifically. I think we only enabled it for a different project, but didn't see much of a difference. But I think that may be due to the fact that we are using Nuxt.JS as our framework, if I recall correctly I don't think there is support for Nuxt just yet. on the docs it looks like Next, gatsby, and Astro.
Cyb3r-Jak311mo ago
It should still do node_modules caching but yeah I misread Nuxt and Next. Are there certain steps that are taking longer?
elijah11mo ago
It seems like it's the static build when running nuxt generate during the Cloudflare Pages build step that started increasing in duration. Here is a deployment ID if that helps at all: 53207dd6-24fb-437b-8190-c9772a48afc7
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
@elijah y'all use Nacelle, right?
elijah11mo ago
Yes sir! we are beginning to think it is a network issue between Cloudflare and Nacelle, just got out of a couple meetings discussing this topic
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
This isn't the first Nacelle/Nuxt project I've looked at for being slow today. Something funky is going on there. Another project I looked at had maaaaany timeouts going to Nacelle. Not all build outputs are reporting that
elijah11mo ago
Yep, that's what's been making this so difficult for us to identify. We have run so many different tests and ruled out quite a few options already.
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
Does Nacelle have an IP allowlist option?
elijah11mo ago
I can ask and get you an answer for that. Would it be possible to do a traceroute so we can know where that timeout is happening? They already whitelisted all the publics IPs on their end, didn't seem to make any impact though
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
To clarify - Are y'all using direct upload as well? Using wrangler to publish your assets not from Pages CI?
elijah11mo ago
On wrangler we are having no issues come up and we are uploading fine, we are only seeing the issue from Pages CI
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
Okay cool. Just double checking that I was looking at the right thing 👍
elijah11mo ago
All good, I really appreciate you looking into this. I'll be available if you have anymore questions or need anything else.
JohnDotAwesome11mo ago
This shouldn't make a difference on the timeouts to Nacelle, but you really ought to update the your Build System to v2
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