Created by BenIsenstein on 10/6/2023 in #✋|help
VPN support/options?
Hey yall. So, I'm running a BullMQ queue service with this template ( The service is private networking only, and I want to try keeping it that way for now. The only problem is that means I can't visit the BullMQ dashboard UI in my browser. I have a public-facing service that acts like the gateway to my project, so I thought I'll just pick a route, and proxy everything from my public service to the queue service, and BOOM I'll get my BullMQ dashboard in the browser again. However no dice. The source files make it from the queue service to the browser, but don't run... I thought maybe I'll look into it but I had another thought. I could visit it in my browser if I somehow tunneled into my project's private network. That's how like every enterprise-level organization operates all the time, with everyone required to be on a VPN in order to visit any company site. Will this ever be first-class at railway? Any recommendations on how to achieve this now?
52 replies
Created by BenIsenstein on 9/30/2023 in #✋|help
Struggling to establish a connection through private networking
project id 8b67ba4d-ba67-4f38-97ef-8caab4e245fe I have two services both running express JS. I have added a '::' to the
app.listen(PORT, '::', ...)
app.listen(PORT, '::', ...)
call in order to bind to IPv6 ports. The service trying to establish the connection is enabled for public and private. The other service is private only, and consistently refuses the connection.
port: 80,

address: '',

syscall: 'connect',


errno: -111,

method: 'post',
url: 'image-service.railway.internal/api/upload',
data: '{"filePath":"Typeform/2023_9_30/Getting started with Typeform","html":"<!DOCTYPE h...
port: 80,

address: '',

syscall: 'connect',


errno: -111,

method: 'post',
url: 'image-service.railway.internal/api/upload',
data: '{"filePath":"Typeform/2023_9_30/Getting started with Typeform","html":"<!DOCTYPE h...
27 replies
Created by BenIsenstein on 9/30/2023 in #✋|help
Best way to use bun for a js service?
Keeping the binary in git tracking seems janky...
22 replies
Created by BenIsenstein on 9/28/2023 in #✋|help
MongoDB Error: "MongoServerClosedError: Server is closed"
Project id: 8b67ba4d-ba67-4f38-97ef-8caab4e245fe Hi folks, my express server has trouble connecting to my mongo service on startup. It was functioning with a mongodb plugin until a couple weeks ago. I thought maybe I'll try switching to a mongodb image-based service in case it magically starts working. But the exact same error. WOuld appreciate some insight, thank you!
85 replies