Using Open Brush in a school with Oculus headsets managed with ArborXR
Maybe message him directly. If he sees it, might decide to come back around, if its something like a solution
60 replies
Drafting layer mode
How would drafting layers work in practice? Semi-transparency sounds interesting
7 replies
Folders for the media library
Sketch folders would be really useful
8 replies
Reset Transform
Yes, would make merging sketches easier. Should possibly consider scale as well on those imports
2 replies
Point of origin toggle.
I'd definitely like to be able to move the origin point. Would also be useful to be able to align scales and relative positions when importing sketches.
4 replies
The ability to adjust the size of the 360 rotation in the spectator camera
I'm in favor of this
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Room modes and undo handling
I see two as being the most useful. A more flexible variant would be to allow a user multiple layers as "owner" of those.
I don't see a lot of utility in 4, and might get tricky in coordinating for the owner if multiple people are working. Owners ability to delete layers might be more effective there, for instance to prevent outright vandalism. If cross layer work is needed, then erase is as functional as undo. Similar but slightly different implications. Might also apply to rebrush
2 replies
Rigged human model for use as reference
I probably discussed it here at some point.
You might want to try and search marmoset, modeler, shapelab or arkio since they aren't discussed a lot here but were part of the tests I was running not sure how much I posted here but might find something useful
5 replies
Rigged human model for use as reference
I didn't use the guide shapes, they seem to be a bit tricky to work with last I checked may have improved. I typically make figures in T-pose using the mirror tool, setting the groups up for the major body areas. I can then just import it in and build the figure based on that without having to redo the underlying work. If you're on PC it can handle more. I usually use something like the muscle brush (I need to make a brush like that which blunts the points eventually) another way, if you want cone primitives is to use the sphere and straight edge tool to make disks you can then join them and make a nice cone. Build a few of these and some spheres and an oval and you've got pretty much everything you need. Wedges are similar but you'll want to join planes instead. Using solids is a bit heavier, especeially if you want them transparent, but is easier to use like a mannequin.
Note: if you want to export to mixamo it's a bit tricky because they use fbx or obj only (fbx is better).
You'll also want to export it as a single object rather than a bunch of loose primitives, if I remember correctly. Might have to use blender or something to handle the intermediary step.
Can't recall the details from the top of my head, worked through quite a few different pipelines but that needs to be organized coherently. I've got documentation on it which I will eventually pull together, but need to stay on my current thing until its done so I don't lose focus. Will probably be on hold until I get back to that part of things
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Align Mirror to Center for all standard environments
I'd like to see it centered, and a tool to destroy the center object if you just want to use the scene settings or get rid of it after doing the dress form. Would be nice if you could obliterate the ground plane as well
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Rigged human model for use as reference
That's a pretty big project. I've made figures that are grouped by body section, and you can animate them, but rigging is a bit of a different animal. I think for now the easiest way is to export your figure and rig it in Mixamo, then bring it back in as a model.
You wan to make the figure in a t-pose and there's going to be some limitations to brushes.
Alternately use the animation feature and work it through the poses adjusting as you go. If you're good with blender you can animate there as well.
There were a couple of animation oriented programs that did rigging fairly well in VR, but those were entire projects and pipelines. There's a lot to it
5 replies
OBOOpen Brush, Open Blocks, Icosa Gallery
Created by dwillington on 9/17/2024 in #open-brush-bugs
cannot move grouped strokes use select tool when they intersect with other strokes
Can confirm this is an issue when I tested the starship in this post. Only a small portion was selectable and selection was highly inaccurate. Seemed like it was trying to grab a box collider, hidden group or something, because the selected area was quite different than where the controller was attempting to click. Especially noticeable when trying to rebrush
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