validate nuxtui radio buttons with zod
I do not get an error message for my radio buttons when I click on submit. Text input works as expected.
I got it worked with wrapping a formgroup around it, but then only the error message appears, but the radiobuttons do not get an error styling like an input text field
any ideas how I can get also error styling on inputs?
2 replies
[useFetch] Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead.
I am using useFetch to load a product on the server side once... works fine, but the user can change the region and then price/taxe change, so the product has to be reloaded. this causes this error... Should I just duplicate the function and rename it to reFetchProduct and use $fetch or are there other solutions for this use case?
I am using useFetch to load a product on the server side once... works fine, but the user can change the region and then price/taxe change, so the product has to be reloaded. this causes this error... Should I just duplicate the function and rename it to reFetchProduct and use $fetch or are there other solutions for this use case?
14 replies
middleware hard reload, wrong redirects
Hi, I have this middlware where I check if a session exists in the backend
this works when I navigate with a link inside my app to the secured page
if I am logged in and have an open session in medusa-backend, it shows the page, if not, it redirects to the login
but when I type the URL into the browser and press enter, I get always redirected to the login page, even if I have an existing session
any idea why?
1 replies
pretty urls for e-commerce shop
I have a url structure like this.
but I want a more pretty url like this ?
beer is a category red-ale and england are optional filters 2 is a optional pagenumber my folder looks like [category]/[...filters].vue At the moment I just think to check if the last parameter in the array is a number this works only if there are no filters with numbers... and also only for pagenumbers, if I want to add "sort" to the url it also doesn't work there are other options to handle this? or is this the way to go cheers, gregor
beer is a category red-ale and england are optional filters 2 is a optional pagenumber my folder looks like [category]/[...filters].vue At the moment I just think to check if the last parameter in the array is a number this works only if there are no filters with numbers... and also only for pagenumbers, if I want to add "sort" to the url it also doesn't work there are other options to handle this? or is this the way to go cheers, gregor
3 replies
ui.nuxt: Overwriting styles for UInput doesn't work
Hi, I want to remove the outline from an input, but I don't get it work. What I'm doing wrong?
demo on
Many thanks,
gregor 😉
2 replies
nuxtpage: child page inside parent page
Hi, I have this page structure
my problem is that i can't render the [category].vue inside the <nuxtPage /> from index.vue from the same folder... it just replaces the whole page, instead rendering the subcategories inside the nuxtPage...
What I'm doing wrong?
10 replies
dynamic pagetransitions with js hooks
Hi, is there an example how this example from the docs would work with js hooks?
because I do not have access to the inside the onEnter hook
and pageTrannsition doesn't accept an array like
2 replies