holy shnikes
Recommended approach for django-crontab on railway
Cool. I assume nothing happens after I run my custom django management command, but I guess I'll need to research django a little
"deploy": {
"numReplicas": 1,
"startCommand": "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py collectstatic --no-input && python manage.py new_custom_management_command && gunicorn -b [::]:$PORT faves_project.wsgi",
"restartPolicyType": "ON_FAILURE",
"restartPolicyMaxRetries": 10
103 replies
Recommended approach for django-crontab on railway
If I have multiple cron jobs (let's say, for different emails to users that run at different frequencies), it's normal/a best practice to spin up a new service for each one? Seems like it might be expensive but the pro plan billing page indicates "Unlimited concurrent builds", so... fine I guess?
103 replies
Recommended approach for django-crontab on railway
@darth thanks for the update, I'm trying to deploy a weekly cron email for my django app and have been thinking about these same problems. To clarify, step 2 is necesary because you don't want to take up resources on your primary django service?
103 replies