Add a filament Table into a form Section
Not knowing your database schema I am taking a shot in the dark. It may make sense to store the product properties in a JSON column on the products table, and then use a repeater field to achieve what you want. I have used the TableRepeater "field" (https://filamentphp.com/plugins/awcodes-table-repeater) to solve a similar need.
I made some notes here: https://nettsite.co.za/simplifying-laravel-eloquent-and-filament-storing-contacts-with-ease/
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Flash of Unstyled Content
I have had a careful look, but I don't see it at all - looks fine from the get go. I don't have a particularly fast connection, 6 Mbps right now, and not a great big PC - I3 processor, 16MB RAM, running Ubuntu 22.04 and Chrome.
3 replies
Updating fields in a Section when a Select is changed based on a relationship.
I have made a little progress. I have added a key to my Section:
and I have added a callback (taken from the docs) to the Select:
Now the patient details in the Section are emptied if I change the patient while editing the requisition.
How do I get the actual Patient model to fill those fields with?
3 replies