Add a filament Table into a form Section
I want to accomplish the result within the attached image.
I have a form for adding a product, form with many sections and in one section I want to return a Table with columns just like when I want to list all properties with its values but filtered for the selected product (my X product have only the properties and values from the image and be able to edit them)
I did the PropertyResource with the PropertyValuesRelationManager and works well but I get lost when I have to use the property listing on a specific product.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

2 Replies
Not knowing your database schema I am taking a shot in the dark. It may make sense to store the product properties in a JSON column on the products table, and then use a repeater field to achieve what you want. I have used the TableRepeater "field" ( to solve a similar need.
I made some notes here:
Table Repeater by Adam Weston - Filament
A modified version of the Filament Forms Repeater to display it as a table.
Will Nettmann
Simplifying Laravel Eloquent and Filament: Storing Contacts with Ea...
In the world of web development, managing contacts efficiently is a common requirement. Laravel Eloquent, a powerful and expressive ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Laravel, combined with Filament, a Laravel-based admin panel, provides a seamless solution for handling complex data structures. In this blog post, we'll explore how to store and…
You cannot add a "Filament Table" to a form. You could however use a ViewField and use the Table Blade components to render a similar looking table, but without all the features