Any idea how to show the "anhskohbo/no-captcha": "^3.6" on the last page of a wizard ?
@LeandroFerreira I have created an issue on this package here, care to take a look on it ? I would love to PR a fix for it if you could enlighten why the recpatcha doesnt reset
11 replies
Any idea how to show the "anhskohbo/no-captcha": "^3.6" on the last page of a wizard ?
This isn't the first time i get issues with recpatcha + filamentphp and my local govermenet insists on using google recpatcha on "official" websites. I have been making normal "forms" inside filamentphp projects just because of recaptcha compatibility with filament.
11 replies
TextInput live onBlur does not seem to work as expected
I had the same issue for days, and i just found out that reactive is Legacy. so ->live(any param) won't work just because i reactive() next to live() function. So removed reactive() and everything works well now.
22 replies
Update viewfield state with placeholder addition values
Hello, did you find a solution for this ? i'm trying to get the value of my placeholder and also update it. the workaround would just be a disabled TextInput, but that's not what the design
11 replies
How do i set default image in FileUpload ?
heyo thanks for the reply,i have put it in a different thread
5 replies