Filament11mo ago

TextInput live onBlur does not seem to work as expected

I have this test and name field in my form:

->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set) {
$set('test', $state);

->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set) {
$set('test', $state);
Where I expect the name field to only trigger the afterStateUpdated() method when I leave the field, but I am experiencing that the live update is happening while the name field is still focused. Is this the expected behaviour? I have attached a screen recording of the behaviour explaining the issue.
I had to refresh the page, then live(onBlur: true) works as expected.
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15 Replies
nowak11mo ago
I had to refresh the page, then live(onBlur: true) works as expected.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason11mo ago
I'm still seeing this not working as expected. A request is sent as soon as a value is entered.
nowakOP11mo ago
@Jon Mason Did you refresh your page? Please share your current code.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason11mo ago
yes, I've refreshed, built, updated filament, everything I can think of.
->currencyMask(',', '.', 2)
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => !$get('apply_partial_payment'))
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set, $state) {
$set('payment_amount', number_format($state - ($this->document->statementPayment->discount_amount / 100), 2));
'regex' => 'Must include a decimal point and at least one digit before and exactly 2 digits after the decimal point. (e.g. 100.00)'
->currencyMask(',', '.', 2)
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => !$get('apply_partial_payment'))
->live(onBlur: true)
->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set, $state) {
$set('payment_amount', number_format($state - ($this->document->statementPayment->discount_amount / 100), 2));
'regex' => 'Must include a decimal point and at least one digit before and exactly 2 digits after the decimal point. (e.g. 100.00)'
awcodes11mo ago
Can you try it without the currencyMask()
Jon Mason
Jon Mason11mo ago
Same result
awcodes11mo ago
Hmm. Not seeing anything obvious. Try removing things one at a time to see if you can track it down. Not often but sometimes the order of the modifiers can matter.
gon.exe10mo ago
@Jon Mason I am having the same issue. Did you fix it ? Thanks in advance!
Jon Mason
Jon Mason10mo ago
couldn't remember and was just looking at my code again. I haven't changed anything, and it looks like this isn't happening anymore. May try updating filament. actually, I take that back, just realized this was about the requests getting sent immediately. I am still seeing this. I think I just gave up on it honestly. actually, seems to be the ->currencyMask() that's causign it. Commenting that out makes it work as expected. I really want the currency mask though, so i'm ignoring the many requests it's sending.
gon.exe10mo ago
Thanks @Jon Mason I just resolved the issue on my side putting the live() property after reactive()
awcodes10mo ago
You shouldn’t have live and reactive. They do the same thing. Reactive is legacy from v2.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason10mo ago
I didn't know this...that's super helpful. I've wondered about that because it never made sense to me.
gon.exe10mo ago
@awcodes thank you for your answer. I started my app using Filament v1 and I updated it to v2 and currently to v3. So I understand that the ->reactive() property to create dependant fields is replaced by ->live(). I am right?
No description
gon.exe10mo ago
I just confirmed by myself on vendor/filament/forms/src/Concerns/HasStateBindingModifiers.php:
public function reactive(): static

return $this;
public function reactive(): static

return $this;
Ali3mo ago
I had the same issue for days, and i just found out that reactive is Legacy. so ->live(any param) won't work just because i reactive() next to live() function. So removed reactive() and everything works well now.

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