Created by prof_mark on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
[ Server ] Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file de
suddenly, when i run
wasp start
wasp start
I get this error:
[ Server ] Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
[ Server ] Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
10 replies
Created by prof_mark on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
deleted my docker image with and can't recreate
I deleted my docker image that was running the db. I ran wasp start db and it made a new db, but now when i connect with
wasp start
wasp start
(after running
wasp start db
wasp start db
), I get the following error on the db
2024-10-31 07:13:44.454 UTC [40] ERROR: relation "public.Session" does not exist at character 98
2024-10-31 07:13:44.454 UTC [40] STATEMENT: SELECT "public"."Session"."id", "public"."Session"."expiresAt", "public"."Session"."userId" FROM "public"."Session" WHERE ("public"."Session"."id" = $1 AND 1=1) LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3
2024-10-31 07:13:44.454 UTC [40] ERROR: relation "public.Session" does not exist at character 98
2024-10-31 07:13:44.454 UTC [40] STATEMENT: SELECT "public"."Session"."id", "public"."Session"."expiresAt", "public"."Session"."userId" FROM "public"."Session" WHERE ("public"."Session"."id" = $1 AND 1=1) LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3
6 replies
Created by prof_mark on 10/23/2024 in #🙋questions
seeding prod db
I follow the instructions here to seed my db, but got the error:
❌ --- [Error] Can not connect to database: ---------------------------------------

The database needs to be running in order to execute this command. You can easily start a managed dev database with `wasp start db`.
❌ --- [Error] Can not connect to database: ---------------------------------------

The database needs to be running in order to execute this command. You can easily start a managed dev database with `wasp start db`.
I am able to connect to the db locally with db admin through the tunnel on port 5432, but when I try to run
wasp db studio
wasp db studio
to connect through wasp I get the above error. I do not have wasp running a local dev db, so I am not sure what else I could check
14 replies
Created by prof_mark on 10/22/2024 in #🙋questions
0.14 -> 0.15 migration + fly
I migrated from wasp 0.14 to 0.15 in my openSaaS app. After following the instructions here: everything works great locally, but when I try to deploy on with
wasp deploy fly deploy
wasp deploy fly deploy
I get the following error, which I think might have to do with React Router 5->6: $ REACT_APP_API_URL= npm run build
[email protected] build npm run validate-env && tsc && vite build
[email protected] validate-env node -r dotenv/config ./scripts/validate-env.mjs
🔍 Validating environment variables... src/router.tsx(76,13): error TS2741: Property 'children' is missing in type '{}' but required in type '{ children: ReactNode; }'. file:///home/myusername/.local/share/wasp-lang/0.15.0/data/packages/deploy/node_modules/zx/build/core.js:146 let output = new ProcessOutput(code, signal, stdout, stderr, combined, message);
10 replies
Created by prof_mark on 10/18/2024 in #🙋questions
stripe setup help
I hate stripe. this is my first time putting a payment portal on a website, and im sure its way better than other things, but god it is so annyoing. I would happily pay someone $100 to just get stripe setup. with that out of the way, I am getting this error:
[ Server ] POST /operations/generate-checkout-session 400 620.376 ms - 597
[ Server!] Error: No such price: 'price_1...
[ Server ] POST /operations/generate-checkout-session 400 620.376 ms - 597
[ Server!] Error: No such price: 'price_1...
the price does indeed exist, but for some reason its not being found. I have no idea where to look to fix this
6 replies
Created by prof_mark on 8/23/2024 in #🙋questions
Payload too large
I am getting a payload too large error, directing me to this line: const response = await, superjsonArgs) How can adjust the max payload size for uploads?
37 replies
Created by prof_mark on 8/23/2024 in #🙋questions
An argument for 'context' was not provided.
I'm really struggling to understand this context that gets injected into api calls. I think I got all the configs straight (adding the right entities) in my main.wasp file, but I still get the context was not provided error message. How can I track down which part I am missing to make a call to an action get the context inlined?
8 replies