Action inside Another Action
I have action inside action for modal payment operation
it contain form inside every action but not able to validate any thing
it just taking me to the next step without validation
is there a way to prevent that and do a validation in each step
13 replies
Live update
i have a amount field that keep amount
and i have a button that pays the amount that has been entered
i want to live update the button lable to the input amount
protected function getFormActions(): array
return [
return "Pay Now $" . ;
]; }
]; }
8 replies
Masking and using palceholder at same time
->label('Amount being Charged')
->mask(fn (Mask $mask) => $mask->money(prefix: '$', thousandsSeparator: ','))
i want to use placeholder and masking at the same time
but when i am using masking the placeholder doesn't work
5 replies