Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed

While exporting a table to CSV it gives error Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed
return self::getExtraAttributes($state);
public static function getExtraAttributes($state) {

$allStages = [
'lead' => 'color-7',
'customer' => 'color-8',
'student' => 'color-9',
return [
'class' => $allStages[$state]
return self::getExtraAttributes($state);
public static function getExtraAttributes($state) {

$allStages = [
'lead' => 'color-7',
'customer' => 'color-8',
'student' => 'color-9',
return [
'class' => $allStages[$state]
8 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2w ago
That might be because of the extra attributes Closure. Are you using a plugin for exporting or Filament's exporter?
GHOST-1176d ago
Excel Export by Dennis Koch - Filament
Easy Excel exports for Filament Admin
GHOST-1176d ago
in UI i have to show the status is there a way ????..
No description
toeknee6d ago
Try the native filament export?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch6d ago
You could try to define the columns manually instead of relying on fromTable()
GHOST-1176d ago
this is my function
public static function ExportJob(): array
if (cache('totalRecords-' . auth()->user()->id) < 2000) {
return [ExcelExport::make()->fromTable()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
return [ExcelExport::make()->fromTable()->queue()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
public static function ExportJob(): array
if (cache('totalRecords-' . auth()->user()->id) < 2000) {
return [ExcelExport::make()->fromTable()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
return [ExcelExport::make()->fromTable()->queue()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
as per ur saying i should define a column array & pass like this
$columns = [
'column1' => 'Column 1 Title',
'column2' => 'Column 2 Title',

return [ExcelExport::make()->withColumns($columns)->queue()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
$columns = [
'column1' => 'Column 1 Title',
'column2' => 'Column 2 Title',

return [ExcelExport::make()->withColumns($columns)->queue()->withWriterType(\Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV)];
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch6d ago
That's not how you define columns. Check the docs
GHOST-1176d ago
got it