Created by titusf on 5/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Black Tie shirt Collars: wingtip vs. turndown
Hi all, I'm looking for some practical advice regarding black Tie shirts collars. I think a wingtip looks quite striking, and since black tie is quite exotic to be, I'm inclined to go all out. However: 1) The MFA guide seems to recommend a "normal" turndown collar https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/black-tie-guide 2) the kings of Spain and England (whose style chops I was introduced to by Derek Guy) wear turndowns. So I'm torn. Is the wingtip collar really as uncomfortable as the guide says? Btw I'm especially interested in customs in Germany.
10 replies
Created by titusf on 5/13/2024 in #questions-and-advice
MOND of Copenhagen MTM
I just walked past a location of an MTM brand that I've not seen before on my way to lunch. https://mond.com/ Anyone have any experience with them? I'm always loth to try new MTM places because of course it's a pretty big time and money investment
3 replies