Created by Joaquim on 11/23/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
How can users update their password?
What's the best way to implement users updating their password? I think what I want is an operation that received a password and updates the current user's password to that one. It's fine if it doesn't exist
5 replies
Created by Joaquim on 11/21/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Check if user has auth token
Hey! What's the best way to check if the user has an auth token? I don't want for useAuth to resolve before redirecting to the landing page if the user is logged out. If my server is lagging or broken, I would rather logged out people to be immediately redirected to the landing than waiting on a loading screen. I was thinking that I can check if the client has the local storage var wasp:sessionId set. If not, I immediately redirect to the landing. Does this make sense? Should I be worried about this var name being changed in the future?
6 replies
Created by Joaquim on 11/19/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Hey! I can't find docs about setting LEMONSQUEEZY_STORE_ID. It's pretty easy to find out how to do it but maybe it should be in the docs?
10 replies
Created by Joaquim on 11/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Access folder in project root from dockerfile
Hey! I have a folder for certificates /cert where I store certificates. I want to include them in the dockerfile. The issue I have is that after wasp built, this \cert folder is nowhere to be seen inside /.wasp/buildwhich makes it impossible to use inside the docker build process. Is there a way for this to work or do I have to put /cert inside the /srcfolder?
10 replies
Created by Joaquim on 11/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
pg-boss can't find certificates
Hey! I'm trying to connect my app to an RDS db: DATABASE_URL="postgres://user:[email protected]/databaseb?ssl=true&sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=~/certs/global-bundle.pem" Notice the sslrootcert=~/certs/global-bundle.pem" which points at a folder with AWS SSL certificates. Running wasp db migrate-dev works great. I can successfully connect to the AWS db. Running wasp start does not work due to:
Starting pg-boss...
[ Server!] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '~/certs/global-bundle.pem'
Starting pg-boss...
[ Server!] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '~/certs/global-bundle.pem'
Initially I tried to set /certs in my project directory and that failed for the same reason. I though pg-boss was initializing from a weird path so I tried to move it to ~/certs to be able to set an absolute path. Also didn't work. My question is, why can't pg-boss find the path ~/certs? Is it running in a VM or something?
7 replies
Created by Joaquim on 11/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Adding svgr plugin to the vite config
Hey! I want to import svgs as React svg components instead of urls. So I installed the svgr vite plugin Locally, it works perfectly but I can't deploy because the web-server folder doesn't build. The issue is
Cannot find module '../icons/icon.svg?react' or its corresponding type declarations.

21 import Icon from "../icons/dexindex.svg?react";
Cannot find module '../icons/icon.svg?react' or its corresponding type declarations.

21 import Icon from "../icons/dexindex.svg?react";
It seems like the web-server vite config correctly merges with the one from the root folder but it's not installed, or at least it doesn't show up in web-server's package.json. Any ideas? I guess this issue would apply to any other vite plugin.
10 replies