Created by caffeinum on 9/12/2023 in #✋|help
Accessing secret env variables during build step
STROOM_REPOS_ACCESS_KEY="ghp_THIS is Secret, so I can't put it here, but it works if I do"

aptPkgs = ['...', 'unzip', 'wget', 'jq']
paths = ['~/go/bin', '/usr/local/bin']

cmds = [
# to support private repo imports
'git config --global url.https://${STROOM_REPOS_ACCESS_KEY}',
'make setup'
STROOM_REPOS_ACCESS_KEY="ghp_THIS is Secret, so I can't put it here, but it works if I do"

aptPkgs = ['...', 'unzip', 'wget', 'jq']
paths = ['~/go/bin', '/usr/local/bin']

cmds = [
# to support private repo imports
'git config --global url.https://${STROOM_REPOS_ACCESS_KEY}',
'make setup'
I need to pass STROOM_REPOS_ACCESS_KEY into a build step, but it's not defined unless I put it plaintext into nixpacks.toml. However, I don't want to commit this value either
35 replies
Created by caffeinum on 9/7/2023 in #✋|help
Accessing files inside the volume
what's the best way to export build artifacts from one service to another? during build process, a tls.cert and a .macaroon file are generated, which i need to pass to another service to be able to connect them as i understand, volumes can't be shared, they are scoped per-service, right? Brody — Today at 14:23 correct, if you could share a volume to multiple services (you will be able to at some point, its planned) then you just write those files to the volume and read them back from the other service, but thats not currently possible so maybe make those files available via a local only api? then your service can just download the files from the other service i am using a pre-built docker image for that piece of the system, so that's gonna be tricky is there a way to mount a volume remotely? i can just generate artifacts once and manually send them using env variable Brody — Today at 14:28 like you could just generate those files locally and upload them into the volume? no, the opposite way, that service autogenerates them on start, if they're not present, but then i can keep the volume in place so that the artifacts don't change Brody — Today at 14:31 unless im misunderstanding something, that is what a volume is for, persistent storage yeah, but i also need to be able to pass those files to another service using volume can help me not needing to pass them on each restart is there any way to read files from a volume, other that editing the code of the service?
42 replies