PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by badeyewill on 1/14/2025 in #dash-feedback
In App-Purchase. Let users buy more AI tagging credits at any time.
Hmm... The concern about the tagged database stems from the issue of needing to edit the tagged cache when reorganizing assets or changing the storage location of some tagged assets during future use. I noticed that in the current version, the storage location of each asset is recorded in the metadata.json file of its cached data. If a tagged asset is moved to a new location, the storage path recorded in each asset's .json file needs to be manually updated, which is difficult to achieve in bulk with the current version's cache management functionality...🥲 🥹 Ah... I hadn’t fully understood the issue of API costs before💥 that's indeed an additional direction worth to think about! 💦 I haven’t calculated the exact number of tags needed yet, I’ll come back to continue the discussion later if I calculate them out~😋
11 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by badeyewill on 1/14/2025 in #dash-feedback
In App-Purchase. Let users buy more AI tagging credits at any time.
…for the temporary usage needs of current version (←cause the tag database built in the current version may need completely rebuilt in future versions), I think a price of $5-10 for one month of unlimited tagging may be a more acceptable range for users (approximately equivalent to the price of one month of Dash's monthly subscription during the early promotional period).🥹 (To be more honester, I personally hope it would be around $5.)😆 💥
11 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by badeyewill on 1/14/2025 in #dash-feedback
In App-Purchase. Let users buy more AI tagging credits at any time.
Thank you for your prompt response! ...To be honest, the pricing far exceeds what is acceptable, especially given that Dash's current functionality for managing tagged assets is not ideal... As briefly mentioned in a previous email, my initial motivation for including Dash in my permanent toolkit was to use it as an asset manager. However, based on my current experience, it feels like Dash's functionality for managing tagged assets is almost non-existent (for example: it's not possible to apply computer tags just to selected assets; there's no convenient way to batch manage the .json-file folders of already tagged assets; the cache data under UnrealContentLibrary seems to only support one level of folder recognition, so it's not even possible to create separate folders within for assets from the same asset pack which shared the same UE project for better organization;; Therefore, if tagged assets are moved, it's not easy to batch modify the tagged data or choose to delete and retag them, etc.)🥹 The current monthly tag limit is more suited for one-time use rather than managing a local asset library, so I felt the pricing plan you've provided to be unacceptably high: a few thousand tags are just a drop in the bucket when dealing with a large asset library; but the $70 for just one month of unlimited use exceeds the lifetime cost of many even more expensive UE toolkits...😅
11 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by badeyewill on 1/14/2025 in #dash-feedback
In App-Purchase. Let users buy more AI tagging credits at any time.
Hi Daniel~ I have the same demand like this and would like to inquire about the second option: If I want to temporarily activate unlimited tag usage for one month to organize the existing local asset library, what would the cost be approximately? (If the price is acceptable, I am very keen to start this work in the upcoming February.)🥹
11 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Yukiri on 1/24/2025 in #dash-feedback
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
Ah, I think I know what the issue is now. Based on the prompt above, I remembered an issue I encountered before when using AI tagging, and I suspect it might be related to the network (my location might not be able to connect to the net-environment required for the PySide6 installation). I just turned on the global VPN and tested reinstalling 1.8.5, and it worked! Thanks, Daniel~👏 I’ll follow up later on the issue I mentioned in the previous email regarding AI tagging getting stuck on some asset packs.👍
10 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Yukiri on 1/24/2025 in #dash-feedback
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
Hi Daniel~ Yes, I noticed the console window prompt when I first installed 1.8.5, and I also checked the update documentation, so I didn’t take any action and just waited for it to execute automatically. However, it closed very quickly, and I didn’t have time to read any of the information displayed. The same thing happens whether I install it in administrator mode or not...🥲
10 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Yukiri on 1/24/2025 in #dash-feedback
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
Oh, thank you for the answer! Do you mean I should place which folder from Dash into the Plugins/Marketplace folder? Or is it possible that an incorrect installation path for other plugins is causing Dash 1.8.5 not to launch? (In UE5.4 I’m using for testing, I’ve only installed the UAssetBrowser and CosmosRocket asset browsing plugins, without any others, yet Dash 1.8.5 still won't work🥲 )
10 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Yukiri on 1/24/2025 in #dash-feedback
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
No description
10 replies
PDPolygonflow Dash
Created by Yukiri on 1/24/2025 in #dash-feedback
Unable to Launch Dash 1.8.5
The attachment text above is the Dash InstallationLog.txt 🙂
10 replies