Web Dev Cody
Web Dev Cody
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Created by Web Dev Cody on 8/16/2024 in #✋|help
Feedback on Status Url
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27 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 8/2/2024 in #✋|help
How to get Volume Data
I have an application where I'm using sqlite with a volume mount. At some point, I want to export the sqlite data or do analytics over it. What is the proper way to download that sqlite data from my volume mount and is that even possible in railway?
9 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 7/29/2024 in #✋|help
Issue with Cloudflared Tunnels and Go
I currently have a lot of next.js applications already deployed to railway that use cloudflare tunnels and the internal hostname of the railway container.
I'm having an issue when trying to deploy a container with Go. I've tried setting the hostname to the internal container, but my site is not reachable. I'm wondering if anyone else has successfully deployed a go application to railway with cloudflare tunnels. I think it may be related to my scratch container in that maybe scratch can't resolve the DNS hostname due to missing binaries on the machine?
20 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 7/15/2024 in #✋|help
App unreachable when using nextjs standalone when using cloudflare tunnels
I'm trying to build and deploy a next.js standalone app, so I provided a custom docker file. It works fine when I don't use cloudflare tunnels, but when I so my tunnel can't access the service. Any insight into this issue?
5 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 5/1/2024 in #✋|help
Usage Reports not per month
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Created by Web Dev Cody on 4/29/2024 in #✋|help
Slow Image Push
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8 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 3/22/2024 in #✋|help
If using the hard limit, will it destroy my database?
might be a dumb question, but if I set a hard limit of $10 and my account reaches it, will my database be destroyed and lose all my data, or will it just shut down?
10 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 3/22/2024 in #✋|help
Is there a guide for how to setup cloudflare tunnels with railway?
I'm trying to follow what is listed out here, but I'm failing to understand this guide. I've deployed a next.js project on a railway project, and I've also deployed the cloudflared template, setup the token in the cloudflared image, but I'm lost trying to point cloudflare to access my running next app.
40 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 10/19/2022 in #✋|help
Websocket Disconnecting After Time
I have a socket.io web socket server which I'm deploying to railway. After some random amount of time, the my connections are getting disconnected. This does not happen when I run this same code locally. It also doesn't happen when I use a digitalocean droplet. Anyone know what is going on that is railway specific with socket.io websockets disconnecting?
96 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 10/18/2022 in #✋|help
YT sponsorships?
Hey there, I really like railway as a service, I was curious if you all do sponsorships with YouTubers who make coding content.
3 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 10/16/2022 in #✋|help
Down time after deploy
I’m noticing after I do a deploy my service goes offline for a bit. Is this expected?
8 replies
Created by Web Dev Cody on 10/4/2022 in #✋|help
how does railway scale down?
Does anyone know if railway will destroy my running containers when scaling down. This helps me know if this is a solution that will work for apps using websocket connections.
67 replies