Web Dev Cody
Web Dev Cody
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DTDrizzle Team
Created by Web Dev Cody on 6/24/2024 in #help
invalid code in docs
I’m trying to run code similar to this from the drizzle docs but typescript does t even think “where” is a proper attritbute inside the with. Is this actually implemented? await db.query.posts.findMany({ where: (posts, { eq }) => (eq(posts.id, 1)), with: { comments: { where: (comments, { lt }) => lt(comments.createdAt, new Date()), }, }, });
1 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Web Dev Cody on 5/10/2024 in #help
Drizzle kit time differences compared to sql query
No description
3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Web Dev Cody on 5/8/2024 in #help
Having to restart Next.js server after migration
Does anyone know why I often need to hard restart my next.js server after I run a drizzle db push? Is there a way to get next to automatically know I've changed the schema without hard resetting?
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Web Dev Cody on 11/21/2023 in #help
A way to use the update function with existing value in row?
How do I do the following SQL UPDATE counts SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = 1 but with drizzle orm, such as await db.update(counts).set({ count: current_count + 1, }); is that even possible or is raw sql my only option?
3 replies