Created by Tommika79 on 8/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Filament Multi-Select Not Loading Default Values from Third Table (Not Pivot Table)
Thanks for the idea. This is how it was solved:
->afterStateHydrated(function ($component, $state) {
$record = $component->getRecord();
if ($record && $record->exists) {
$state = $record->carUsageRecords->pluck('car_id')->toArray();
->afterStateHydrated(function ($component, $state) {
$record = $component->getRecord();
if ($record && $record->exists) {
$state = $record->carUsageRecords->pluck('car_id')->toArray();
4 replies
Created by Tommika79 on 7/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Help Needed with DateTimePicker in Repeater
Thank you for your suggestion. However, since the parent-child relationship is not straightforward in Filament, I solved it this way:
// This is where I need to read the given date.
DatePicker::make('start_date')->required()->label('Start Date'),

// Reading the start time here:
->format('Y-m-d H:i')
->label('Start Time')
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, $get) {
self::updateTaskGroupsStartTime($state, $set, $get);

// And the function for it:
private static function updateTaskGroupsStartTime($state, callable $set, $get)
$taskGroups = $get('taskGroups') ?? [];
$updatedTaskGroups = collect($taskGroups)->map(function ($item) use ($state) {
$item['start_time'] = $state;
return $item;
$set('taskGroups', $updatedTaskGroups);
// This is where I need to read the given date.
DatePicker::make('start_date')->required()->label('Start Date'),

// Reading the start time here:
->format('Y-m-d H:i')
->label('Start Time')
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, $get) {
self::updateTaskGroupsStartTime($state, $set, $get);

// And the function for it:
private static function updateTaskGroupsStartTime($state, callable $set, $get)
$taskGroups = $get('taskGroups') ?? [];
$updatedTaskGroups = collect($taskGroups)->map(function ($item) use ($state) {
$item['start_time'] = $state;
return $item;
$set('taskGroups', $updatedTaskGroups);
Thanks again for the advice!
3 replies
Created by Tommika79 on 8/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Visual Inconsistencies in Filament Repeater with Dynamic Select Options
Summary of Approaches Tried: Direct Filtering in options Callback:
->options(function (callable $get) {
$allUsers = User::role('Employee')->pluck('name', 'id');
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();

return $allUsers->filter(function ($name, $id) use ($selectedUsers) {
return !in_array($id, $selectedUsers);
->options(function (callable $get) {
$allUsers = User::role('Employee')->pluck('name', 'id');
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();

return $allUsers->filter(function ($name, $id) use ($selectedUsers) {
return !in_array($id, $selectedUsers);
Issue: Selected worker names visually jumped to the next available ID. Real-Time Updates with afterStateUpdated:
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$set('worker_id', $get('worker_id'));
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$set('worker_id', $get('worker_id'));
Issue: Introduced extra rows and visual inconsistencies. Combining with live Option for Real-Time Changes:
Issue: Multiple re-renders led to flickering and incorrect visual updates.
5 replies
Created by Tommika79 on 8/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Visual Inconsistencies in Filament Repeater with Dynamic Select Options
->relationship('worker', 'name', fn (Builder $query) => $query->whereHas('roles', function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('name', ['Employee', 'Admin']);
->options(function (callable $get, $state) {
$allUsers = User::role(['Employee', 'Admin'])->pluck('name', 'id');
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();

$availableUsers = $allUsers->toArray();
foreach ($selectedUsers as $userId) {
if (isset($allUsers[$userId]) && $state !== $userId) {

if ($state && isset($allUsers[$state])) {
$availableUsers[$state] = $allUsers[$state];

return $availableUsers;
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();
if (!in_array($state, $selectedUsers)) {
$set('worker_id', $state);
->afterStateHydrated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();
if (!in_array($state, $selectedUsers)) {
$set('worker_id', $state);
->relationship('worker', 'name', fn (Builder $query) => $query->whereHas('roles', function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('name', ['Employee', 'Admin']);
->options(function (callable $get, $state) {
$allUsers = User::role(['Employee', 'Admin'])->pluck('name', 'id');
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();

$availableUsers = $allUsers->toArray();
foreach ($selectedUsers as $userId) {
if (isset($allUsers[$userId]) && $state !== $userId) {

if ($state && isset($allUsers[$state])) {
$availableUsers[$state] = $allUsers[$state];

return $availableUsers;
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();
if (!in_array($state, $selectedUsers)) {
$set('worker_id', $state);
->afterStateHydrated(function ($state, callable $set, callable $get) {
$selectedUsers = collect($get('../../taskGroups'))->pluck('worker_id')->filter()->toArray();
if (!in_array($state, $selectedUsers)) {
$set('worker_id', $state);
Issue: This code resolves the initial jumping issue but introduces another problem: changing the first worker to another (especially if their ID is one higher than the last selected) causes all rows below it to display the changed worker’s name. Adding or removing a row triggers a refresh that corrects the names, but this is confusing and undesired.
5 replies
Created by Aminne on 7/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Display language switcher in simple page like a login
I think JetStream is the two-step login
11 replies