Filament2mo ago

Display language switcher in simple page like a login

How i can display language switcher in this page
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6 Replies
Aminne2mo ago
I display it in login
No description
Aminne2mo ago
But in two-factor route i can't
Route::get('admin/two-factor', TwoFactor::class)->name('two_factor_page')
->middleware(['filament-auth', 'twoFactorFilament']);
Route::get('admin/two-factor', TwoFactor::class)->name('two_factor_page')
->middleware(['filament-auth', 'twoFactorFilament']);
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
Two Factor is not a Filament Feature. So it's probably related to a plugin.
Aminne2mo ago
Sir , in this problem how i can resolved it ? i want to add a two factor livewire page in my filament pages, for display the language swticher button and his feature ?
Tommika792mo ago
I think JetStream is the two-step login
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2mo ago
Those are all not native Filament features so check the Discord channel for those plugins.
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