Drawing with the wand
27 replies
Drawing with the wand
I'll ask if I can do that
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Drawing with the wand
Thanks for all the help by the way!
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Drawing with the wand
Yes, I totally agree. I am just not sure whether or not the project will be continued or not after that time period.
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Drawing with the wand
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Drawing with the wand
I will run this by my professor. About a year ago we added many features. I don't recall seeing anything about plugin scripting back then. We also added a ton of supporting UI for our features so I am afraid that by switching to plugin scripting our mods wouldn't be usable anymore. Lmk what you think.
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Drawing with the wand
I do wish I started this project when these plugins were available though - I think they may have been a nice route to take.
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Drawing with the wand
I was just checking in to see if there was any possible conflicts that come to mind.
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Drawing with the wand
There was a gap with the project after Open Brush updated to 2.0, so we are just getting prepared to upgrade now.
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Drawing with the wand
To do this, I have modified PointerManager.cs to handle additional custom aux pointers so that multiple strokes with completely different trajectories can be drawn simultaneously with separate trigger-pull intervals. I also was able to implement wand-hand drawing too, so the wand hand can basically act as an additional brush hand (which I guess could be cool if you are one of those ambidextrous drawers 😆 ).
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Drawing with the wand
I am using an older version because last summer I started a project as a research assistant. I created a mod that takes recordings of VR movement in the form of datasets that include transforms of controllers, headset, etc. and then visualizes all of that trajectory/movement data.
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Drawing with the wand
Wow that looks quite fascinating. I assume this plugin feature for pointer scripts is somewhat new?
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Drawing with the wand
Hey Andy. Sorry for the late reply - just saw this now
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