Created by lasse on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
Cloudflare domain issues
No description
14 replies
Created by lasse on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
Cloudflare domain issues
no, its under SSL/TLS on the sidebar
14 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
everything's a tradeoff and you know best for your project ofc :HUHH:
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
this is all just sharing my experience as another customer tho
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
i try to write failsafe code as possible, and then build redundancy around services that are super downtime sensitive, leaving very little monitoring or metrics gathering ever needed
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
not saying it's bad, ive just never considered using it on railway. webhooks fire on platform events like a service deployment crashing and i handle things from there. railways graphql API is powerful and gives me everything i need. may still be an unpopular opinion for now but for metrics i lean into OpenTelemetry and hand roll stuff to spit in a database. in the most extreme cases ill view those metrics in a Prometheus, but rarely. when deploying sentry i used probably 10% of that platforms capabilities for 90% of the things i needed it to do. its great, even indispensable at scale. but if you don't need it, it feels like buying a refrigerator that doesn't fit inside your doorway or something
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
handle exceptions in your code so your app throws less, and use the tools you mentioned for monitoring instead of disaster recovery
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
at some point health checks give way to proper redundancy. if it's that sensitive to downtime i mean.
25 replies
Created by lasse on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
Cloudflare domain issues
also, check out the new rule types cloudflare has if you haven't yet, specifically redirect rules, ive found them really useful for my own redirects.
14 replies
Created by lasse on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
Cloudflare domain issues
in your cloudflare dashboard make sure you have "Full" chosen under your HTTPS/TLS settings. it is not the default setting when you setup a domain on cf.
14 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
healthchecks: restarts: cron: all of these things are first class features on railway. once you deploy a service, there's a lot you can do if you click on it and go through all the stuff available there.
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
at the end of the day it sounds like you have an express app that you want to run on railway. none of the things causing you problems are necessary for that, just build it with node and deploy it normally
25 replies
Created by Ramin on 5/28/2024 in #✋|help
has anyone successfully deployed a node+express server using bun+pm2 on Railway?
a couple things to consider: 1 . Is your goal to use bun or node? You should pick one. Using different runtimes in development and production is adding an unnecessary layer of complexity that's also very hard to debug. dsespite what they tell you, bun is not a drop-in replacement for node (yet). I recommend sticking to node for now unless you have a practical understanding of what the differences between them are. 2. pm2 is also unnecessary complexity here, there are several other ways to accomplish the same task, the easiest of which is probably using cron and healthcheck features provided by railway for this purpose etc
25 replies
Created by Charles_ on 2/29/2024 in #✋|help
How to restart app periodically
10 replies
Created by Stephen on 9/18/2023 in #help
Proxmox deployment and OOM(?) errors
I have been running windmill in both proxmox vm and lxc without a hitch. i have a fair bit of experience in using proxmox for almost a decade old but windmill behaves predictably and configuring it in different environments is actually very ergonomic in my experience. most recently i am trying to patch up the last pieces of a railway template for a one click deploy of all 6 pieces of infra etc. @rubenf such a clean experience so far kudos...
27 replies