Created by Frugo on 4/21/2024 in #✋|help
Getting a dump of a mongodb instance
Hey, I'm trying to get a dump of a mongo db.
mongodump --uri="mongodb://mongo:<password><port>/<db>" --out dump20240421 --verbose
mongodump --uri="mongodb://mongo:<password><port>/<db>" --out dump20240421 --verbose
It sort of starts doing something, but after 2 hours I don't see any more disk usage or any other proof that something is happening. What am I doing wrong? Btw. another option I tried was this:
mongodump <MONGO_URL> --authenticationDatabase admin --db lichess --out dump20240421
mongodump <MONGO_URL> --authenticationDatabase admin --db lichess --out dump20240421
But I got this error message
2024-04-21T10:07:14.590+0200 positional arguments not allowed: [<MONGO_URL>]
2024-04-21T10:07:14.590+0200 try 'mongodump --help' for more information
2024-04-21T10:07:14.590+0200 positional arguments not allowed: [<MONGO_URL>]
2024-04-21T10:07:14.590+0200 try 'mongodump --help' for more information
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