Created by Jan on 6/22/2024 in #❓・help
NuxtLink missing active class when sub-path is open.
Hey, I have a problem while using NuxtLink. I have a NuxtLink with the "to" property set to "/tickets". When i open the url to /tickets, the link gets the active-class. But when I open /tickets/ticket/567 the link does not get the active-class. The directory structure is as follows.
|__ tickets
|__ index.vue
|__ ticket
|__ [id].vue
|__ tickets
|__ index.vue
|__ ticket
|__ [id].vue
Anyone has an Idea on how to fix this?
2 replies
Created by Jan on 4/16/2024 in #❓・help
pass data from child component to parent
Hey, so I have in one I my pages a v-for on a component called <DataCreator/> inside of the data creator I have an input:text two selectors and a couple of checkboxes. How can I access the data of those inside of the page?
6 replies
Created by Jan on 3/14/2024 in #❓・help
Link activeClass for subPaths
Hey guys I'm currently working on a navbar, and I'm trying to achive, that if I have the path /blog/postOne open, that the NuxtLink leading to the route /blog will still be effected by the activeClass. I tried using this folder structures to achive that: pages |- blog.vue (NuxtPage used here) |- blog |- blogOne.vue |- index.vue
6 replies