How to add my module to the nuxt module list
I created my module and opened the request at, but it wasn't very clear to me how to do it, what would be the step-by-step process to be followed?
6 replies
working with the app config to create the module
I would like some help creating my module, I'm trying to use app.config but I don't understand very well how to work with the types
According to the documentation, the solution is to use "AppConfigInput", but from this how should I access the information from app.config.ts, because if I try to use "useAppConfig()" the typing of the same is inconsistent in relation to what was defined from 'AppConfigInput'
1 replies
Is it possible to use a custom icon in NuxtUI "<UIcon />"?
I need to create a custom icon, I currently did it using an image but I would like to know if it is possible to add icons locally to my project that are not included in the packages
4 replies