Created by Patrick1989 on 6/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Can not add table to a component
I have a custom component where i want to display a table. Implemented the trait and interface:
class ConfirmMailing extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;
class ConfirmMailing extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable
use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;
Now the problem is adding the table method, this expects to return a Table , but the underlying trait expects Static as return type. This is according to the docs:
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...
// ...
// ...
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...
// ...
// ...
And when checking the trait HasTables, the method is like this:
interface HasTable
public function table(Table $table): static;
interface HasTable
public function table(Table $table): static;
So this will result in the following error:
Declaration of App\Livewire\Tables\ConfirmMailing::table(Filament\Tables\Table $table) must be compatible with Filament\Tables\Actions\Contracts\HasTable::table
Declaration of App\Livewire\Tables\ConfirmMailing::table(Filament\Tables\Table $table) must be compatible with Filament\Tables\Actions\Contracts\HasTable::table
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
4 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 3/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Show table action only when a specific filter is set
I would like to display a table action, but only when a specific filter is selected. This works on the first request and there is a filter value in the GET:
$filter = request()->get('tableFilters');
if(isset($filter['verplichte_cursus']) && $filter['verplichte_cursus']){
return true;
$filter = request()->get('tableFilters');
if(isset($filter['verplichte_cursus']) && $filter['verplichte_cursus']){
return true;
But won't work when we select the filter after the page loads. I tried injecting
but it can't resolve that. Is there a way to do this?
3 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 3/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Setting a field value from an action
This is my action: Actions\Action::make('gespreksverslag_herschrijven') ->label('Gespreksverslag herschrijven') ->icon('heroicon-o-pencil') ->action(function(){

$originalText = $this->data['conversation_report_original']; $service = new RewriteTextWithGPTService(); $rewrittenText = $service->handle(static::$prompt, $originalText); $this->form->fill([ 'conversation_report_gpt' => $rewrittenText, ], true);
Im trying to fill the field 'conversation_report_gpt' but it's not filling anything. I also tried other things such as $this->data['conversation_report_gpt'] = $something and $set() but none of them works for me. This action resides in a Create page of resource
3 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 3/1/2024 in #❓┊help
get a field value in an action
How can i get the value of a form field inside an action? This is my action: Actions\Action::make('gespreksverslag_herschrijven') ->label('Gespreksverslag herschrijven') ->icon('heroicon-o-pencil') ->action(function(Get $get){ $originalText = $get('conversation_report_original');
$service = new RewriteTextWithGPTService(); $rewrittenText = $service->handle(static::$prompt, $originalText); $this->form->fill(['conversation_report_gpt' => $rewrittenText]); }),
$get() will give m the following error: Typed property Filament\Forms\Components\Component::$container must not be accessed before initialization It must be simple, but I can't find it in the docs. What am i missing?
13 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/22/2024 in #❓┊help
How to set a form value in a resource from a custom action
I have an action that contains a conversation_report_gpt textarea, I would like to update the value of this field after clicking on an action button.
7 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/19/2024 in #❓┊help
How to implement a dynamic form in an action
I would like to display fields based on a database entry. I have this action:
Action::make('Opleiding inplannen')
->options(Education::orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'))
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Select $component) => $component
->schema(function(Get $get){

$educationId = $get('education_id');

return Educations::getPlanningFormSchemaArray(

return [];

->action(function(array $data){

$url = route('', ['record' => $data['education_id']]).'?openPlanningForm=true';
return redirect($url);
Action::make('Opleiding inplannen')
->options(Education::orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'))
->afterStateUpdated(fn (Select $component) => $component
->schema(function(Get $get){

$educationId = $get('education_id');

return Educations::getPlanningFormSchemaArray(

return [];

->action(function(array $data){

$url = route('', ['record' => $data['education_id']]).'?openPlanningForm=true';
return redirect($url);
Now the
returns an array with a schema However, when i select an education the initial value just gets reset in the select instead of seeing the new form. How can i do this?
7 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
open action when a GET parameter is set
I'd like to open a specific action when a user comes to a page and a specific $_GET parameter is present. It's an edit form of a resource, which contains a header action button. Which has a wireclick:
I would like to automatically open this action when my URL looks like this: /admin/education/1/edit?openPlanningForm=true Is there a way to do this? I was thinking of dispatching something in the mount method , but I don't know what i should dispatch. My edit page:
class EditEducation extends EditRecord
protected static string $resource = EducationResource::class;

protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [

public function mount(int|string $record): void
// do something to open the planning form
class EditEducation extends EditRecord
protected static string $resource = EducationResource::class;

protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [

public function mount(int|string $record): void
// do something to open the planning form
Any tips?
21 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/14/2024 in #❓┊help
How to remove the default submit button from a modal
Action::make('Medewerkers bekijken')

->modalContent(fn ($record): View => view(
['record' => $record],
new HtmlString('')
Action::make('Medewerkers bekijken')

->modalContent(fn ($record): View => view(
['record' => $record],
new HtmlString('')
Opening a modal with a custom view, this view only displays a table so i dont need a submit button
4 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/12/2024 in #❓┊help
custom page throws error when adding trait InteractsWithRecord
I'm not sure what I'm missing. I've created a new custom page with this command:
php artisan make:filament-page RescheduleCourse --resource=CourseResource --type=custom
php artisan make:filament-page RescheduleCourse --resource=CourseResource --type=custom
Added the page to the resource, it displays, all good. Now when I add
use InteractsWithRecord;
use InteractsWithRecord;
trait to it, I get this error:
Declaration of Filament\Actions\Concerns\InteractsWithRecord::getModel(): ?string must be compatible with Filament\Resources\Pages\Page::getModel(): string
Declaration of Filament\Actions\Concerns\InteractsWithRecord::getModel(): ?string must be compatible with Filament\Resources\Pages\Page::getModel(): string
When i remove the ? from the trait for testing, i get the the message that resolveRecord does not exist. This is my page:

namespace App\Filament\Resources\CourseResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\CourseResource;
use Filament\Actions\Concerns\InteractsWithRecord;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\Page;

class RescheduleCourse extends Page
use InteractsWithRecord;

protected static string $resource = CourseResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.course-resource.pages.reschedule-course';

protected static ?string $title = 'Opleiding opnieuw inplannen';

public function mount(int | string $record): void {
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);

namespace App\Filament\Resources\CourseResource\Pages;

use App\Filament\Resources\CourseResource;
use Filament\Actions\Concerns\InteractsWithRecord;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\Page;

class RescheduleCourse extends Page
use InteractsWithRecord;

protected static string $resource = CourseResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.course-resource.pages.reschedule-course';

protected static ?string $title = 'Opleiding opnieuw inplannen';

public function mount(int | string $record): void {
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);
What am i doing wrong?
7 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/5/2024 in #❓┊help
show changes with vite
I see i can include a custom stylesheet, but this would require me to build each time i make a change. I'm not sure how to do this. I have a modal with a custom view, and i'd like to use tailwindcss and see the changes directly when Vite is running, but i can only find on how to include a processed css file
11 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 2/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Can't dynamicly show or hide fields in a repeater
I have a form with a select:
->options(Course::all()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())
->options(Course::all()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())
Further in the form, i have a Repeater
// other fields..
->options(Course::where('is_bundle', false)->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())
return Course::find($get('course'))->is_bundle;

return false;
// other fields..
->options(Course::where('is_bundle', false)->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray())
return Course::find($get('course'))->is_bundle;

return false;
Now when i select a course that is a bundle, the course field should be visible, but nothing shows up. When i change the Repeater to a Grid it works just fine, but i need to be able to add multiple entries.
9 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 1/31/2024 in #❓┊help
Calendar plugin will not show events unless we an array
calendar package works great, but it only works when i use an array as event data, when using the EventData class nothing shows up, except when i call toArray() myself
return CourseInstanceSchedule::with('courseInstance')
->whereBetween('start_date', [$fetchInfo['start'], $fetchInfo['end']])
return EventData::make()
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->start_time),
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->end_time)
return CourseInstanceSchedule::with('courseInstance')
->whereBetween('start_date', [$fetchInfo['start'], $fetchInfo['end']])
return EventData::make()
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->start_time),
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->end_time)
Without the toArray() the calendar stays empty. Not really a big issue, but it shouldn't be nessecary right?
5 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 1/17/2024 in #❓┊help
after callback not fired for EditAction
After submitting the form, I expect to see a dump and die. But it's not being called.
$table ->actions([
$table ->actions([
It's a table in a relation manager Am i missing something?
5 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 1/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Translate table column value
Can't find it in the docs. I want to display a status badge in table. The name is in english in my database, but i'd like to display the value in Dutch. I'm not sure I can change this. Any suggestions?
->color(fn(string $state): string => match ($state) {
'accepted' => 'gray',
'finished' => 'success',
'cancelled' => 'warning',
'failed' => 'danger',
->color(fn(string $state): string => match ($state) {
'accepted' => 'gray',
'finished' => 'success',
'cancelled' => 'warning',
'failed' => 'danger',
6 replies
Created by Patrick1989 on 12/12/2023 in #❓┊help
CSV import job is not executed
I've made an importer:

namespace App\Filament\Imports;

use App\Models\Invitee;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\ImportColumn;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\Importer;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\Models\Import;

class InviteeImporter extends Importer
protected static ?string $model = Invitee::class;
// etc

namespace App\Filament\Imports;

use App\Models\Invitee;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\ImportColumn;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\Importer;
use Filament\Actions\Imports\Models\Import;

class InviteeImporter extends Importer
protected static ?string $model = Invitee::class;
// etc
Now i added this import button to a relationmanager (Invitee) When clicking the button, the modal appears, i can map my fields and then i get the noficiation that the Job is running on the background. I have my queue_driver on SYNC, so that it should run directly. After digging a little deeper, i found the trait that dispatches the job and sends the notification to the database.
Starting on line 183
Starting on line 183

$importChunkIterator = new ChunkIterator($csvResults->getRecords(), chunkSize: $action->getChunkSize()); /** @var array<array<array<string, string>>> $importChunks */ $importChunks = $importChunkIterator->get(); $job = $action->getJob(); $options = array_merge( $action->getOptions(), Arr::except($data, ['file', 'columnMap']), ); $importJobs = collect($importChunks) ->map(fn (array $importChunk): object => new ($job)( $import, rows: $importChunk, columnMap: $data['columnMap'], options: $options, )); Bus::batch($importJobs->all())
is always empty for some reason. The imports table in the database recieves the records, they are there. I'm not sure where to look now. Any idea's?
26 replies