Calendar plugin will not show events unless we an array

calendar package works great, but it only works when i use an array as event data, when using the EventData class nothing shows up, except when i call toArray() myself
return CourseInstanceSchedule::with('courseInstance')
->whereBetween('start_date', [$fetchInfo['start'], $fetchInfo['end']])
return EventData::make()
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->start_time),
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->end_time)
return CourseInstanceSchedule::with('courseInstance')
->whereBetween('start_date', [$fetchInfo['start'], $fetchInfo['end']])
return EventData::make()
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->start_time),
$this->getDateAndTime($schedule->start_date, $schedule->end_time)
Without the toArray() the calendar stays empty. Not really a big issue, but it shouldn't be nessecary right?
3 Replies
Patrick19896mo ago
FullCalendar by Saade - Filament
The most popular JavaScript calendar as a Filament widget.
LeandroFerreira6mo ago
please ask on #saade-fullcalendar
Patrick19896mo ago
oh didnt see that one thank you