Created by snorbi on 2/11/2025 in #support
Error during navigation
The <Show> component uses a condition whether the page should be displayed at all (by validating parameters in the URL), or redirected to a fallback page using a <Navigate>. Maybe this is not the best solution for redirecting to another page based on a condition?
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/11/2025 in #support
Error during navigation
It seems I found it by experimenting and commenting out navigation-related code fragments. It took a long time 😦 I had <Navigate> components inside the fallback parameter of Show components on the problematic pages. Removing the <Navigate> fallbacks solved the problem.
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/11/2025 in #support
Error during navigation
I just don't find any determinism in its behaviour 😦 Sometimes it works but most of the times it throws the above error. The pages are fairly complex, so I cannot extract a minimal reproducer easily 😦
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/6/2025 in #support
Calling a JSX event handler explicitly
I didn't know this trick with Omit, it is nice, thanks 🙂
7 replies
Created by Md Shehab on 2/6/2025 in #support
Third party authentication
Auth.js has SolidJS support: It supports OAuth: (Please note: I have not used it, I have only read about it.)
4 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/5/2025 in #support
Related components
Thanks a lot! 🙏 I should learn more from existing code 🥹
3 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Access ref in child component when using forwarding refs
Thanks @peerreynders for the detailed explanation. I will pass listeners instead, it is a much more clean solution 🙂
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Access ref in child component when using forwarding refs
I'm a bit lost how refs work 😦 What I try to achieve is to create a component which wraps various children 3-4 components deep, and to propagate the ref of the deepest component to the top level component. It is something like:
├─ InputFieldWithLabel
│ ├─ Label
│ └─ InputField
│ └─ <input>
└─ ValidationDisplay
├─ InputFieldWithLabel
│ ├─ Label
│ └─ InputField
│ └─ <input>
└─ ValidationDisplay
(I know it is not ideal from an "encapsulation" viewpoint. I have other ideas how to solve the problem but I'm very curious whether it is possible to propagate refs "upwards".) What I would like is to know the ref of the <input> at the level of ValidatingInputFieldWithLabel, so I can add event listeners to the <input>. What is the best solution? Besides, can someone explain what is the magic behind the ref feature? Until now I thought I understand it but now I'm a bit confused, e.g. how can I know that it is a simple Element or a Function? Or should I always check it at runtime in my custom components? Thanks.
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Access ref in child component when using forwarding refs
It works, thanks!
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Reactive context in built-in components
Thanks 🤯 I hope I will understand these one day 🥹 😆
9 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Reactive context in built-in components
9 replies
Created by snorbi on 2/4/2025 in #support
Reactive context in built-in components
Ohh, thanks. Then I looked at the wrong files, I was interested in the reactive variants... 😕
9 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/26/2025 in #support
How to extract common reactive code?
Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! 🙂
11 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/26/2025 in #support
How to extract common reactive code?
Thanks, I created this cute function 🤩
export function useCurrentTimeMinutePrecision(): Accessor<DateTime> {
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = createSignal(getCurrentTimeMinutePrecision())

let timer: NodeJS.Timer
onMount(() => {
timer = setInterval(() => {
const now = getCurrentTimeMinutePrecision()
if (!now.equals(currentTime())) {
}, 1_000)
onCleanup(() => clearInterval(timer))

return currentTime
export function useCurrentTimeMinutePrecision(): Accessor<DateTime> {
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = createSignal(getCurrentTimeMinutePrecision())

let timer: NodeJS.Timer
onMount(() => {
timer = setInterval(() => {
const now = getCurrentTimeMinutePrecision()
if (!now.equals(currentTime())) {
}, 1_000)
onCleanup(() => clearInterval(timer))

return currentTime
And it seems to work 😄
11 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/26/2025 in #support
How to extract common reactive code?
Wdym with this?
I mean that somehow prevent it to be called from a non-reactive context. Is there for example, some Typescript typing "trick" that can check it at compile-time? Or isn't it that simple? 🙂
11 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/21/2025 in #support
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
Thanks @mdynnl for looking into it. I don't understand the "ternaries" part deep enough but it is good to hear that createMemo() is the good solution here 🙂 (Although it does not seem to solve the warning in case of your example, it solves it in my code.)
17 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/21/2025 in #support
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
Thanks @peerreynders , I refactored my code to use undefined instead of null. I have a Java/Kotlin background, so I used null out of reflex 🙂
17 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/21/2025 in #support
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
I have created a complete example: For some reason I cannot run it in the playground (it is the first time I use it 🥲 ) but I hope it helps (I'm unable to include here because it is too long). Running it locally on my PC, first I select a value from the first dropdown, then the warning is issued when I select a value from the second dropdown. Thanks again for looking into it.
17 replies
Created by snorbi on 1/21/2025 in #support
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
untrack() does not solve the issue, the warning still arises... So I must do something incorrectly, as @Andreas Roth suggested 😦 The code is something like this:
export type Binding<T> = {
get: () => T
set(value: T): void

export function createBinding<T>(getter: () => T, setter: (value: T) => void): Binding<T | null> {
return { get: getter, set: setter }


export type ComboboxProps<T extends NonNullable<any>> = JSX.SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement> & {
binding: Binding<T | null>
values: T[]


export function Combobox<T extends NonNullable<any>>(props: ComboboxProps<T>): JSX.Element {

let ref: HTMLSelectElement | undefined

const values = () => props.values // <-- using `createMemo(() => props.values)` solves the warning

const handleChange = () => {
const value = ref!.value
props.binding.set(value != null && value != "" ? values().filter(e => keyProvider(e) == value)[0] : null) // <-- The warning is issued at this line; it is interesting that `props.binding` does not cause a warning

onMount(() => ref!.addEventListener("input", handleChange))
onCleanup(() => ref!.removeEventListener("input", handleChange))

return (
<select ref={ref} ...>
export type Binding<T> = {
get: () => T
set(value: T): void

export function createBinding<T>(getter: () => T, setter: (value: T) => void): Binding<T | null> {
return { get: getter, set: setter }


export type ComboboxProps<T extends NonNullable<any>> = JSX.SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement> & {
binding: Binding<T | null>
values: T[]


export function Combobox<T extends NonNullable<any>>(props: ComboboxProps<T>): JSX.Element {

let ref: HTMLSelectElement | undefined

const values = () => props.values // <-- using `createMemo(() => props.values)` solves the warning

const handleChange = () => {
const value = ref!.value
props.binding.set(value != null && value != "" ? values().filter(e => keyProvider(e) == value)[0] : null) // <-- The warning is issued at this line; it is interesting that `props.binding` does not cause a warning

onMount(() => ref!.addEventListener("input", handleChange))
onCleanup(() => ref!.removeEventListener("input", handleChange))

return (
<select ref={ref} ...>
And the usage is something like:
function CheckoutPage() {
const [selectedPaymentOption, setSelectedPaymentOption] = createSignal<PaymentOption | null>(null)
return (
<Combobox binding={createBinding(selectedPaymentOption, setSelectedPaymentOption)} values={<<a bit more complex filtering/mapping based on a Signal>>} ... />
function CheckoutPage() {
const [selectedPaymentOption, setSelectedPaymentOption] = createSignal<PaymentOption | null>(null)
return (
<Combobox binding={createBinding(selectedPaymentOption, setSelectedPaymentOption)} values={<<a bit more complex filtering/mapping based on a Signal>>} ... />
Thanks. Ps.: I'm relatively new in both TypeScript/Javascript and SolidJS
17 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/29/2024 in #support
Passing Component in props
I go with your recommendation, I'm too beginner for a more generic solution 🙂 Thanks,
5 replies