Created by snorbi on 1/21/2025 in #support
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
I got the following warning because I used props.values in my event handling code:
computations created outside a createRoot or render will never be disposed
I have read the docs and some additional info (like The warning is gone when I simply wrap the props.values access in a createMemo():
const values = createMemo(() => props.values)
const values = createMemo(() => props.values)
My question is: is it a good solution? If yes, then why the props accessors are not functions themselves (like props.values()instead of the current props.values) so they would always return a "fresh" value? Thanks.
8 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/29/2024 in #support
Passing Component in props
I try to generalize the following fragment:
<div><label for="nameField">Name</label></div>
<div><input id="nameField" ref={nameFieldRef} autocomplete="name" required /></div>
<div><label for="nameField">Name</label></div>
<div><input id="nameField" ref={nameFieldRef} autocomplete="name" required /></div>
where my component would apply the same ID for the <label> and the <input> but also the <input> would come as a parameter in props. Something like this - except that it does not work 😄
interface FieldWithLabelProps {
id: string
ref: HTMLInputElement
label: string
field: JSX.Element <--- How to narrow down to permit only <input>?

const FieldWithLabel: Component<FieldWithLabelProps> = (props) => {
return (
<div><label for={}>{props.label}</label></div>
<div>{props.field}</div> <--- How to apply "id" attribute and props.ref to props.field?
interface FieldWithLabelProps {
id: string
ref: HTMLInputElement
label: string
field: JSX.Element <--- How to narrow down to permit only <input>?

const FieldWithLabel: Component<FieldWithLabelProps> = (props) => {
return (
<div><label for={}>{props.label}</label></div>
<div>{props.field}</div> <--- How to apply "id" attribute and props.ref to props.field?
And call it like:
<FieldWithLabel id="nameField" ref={nameFieldRef} label="Name" field={<input autocomplete="name" required />} />
<FieldWithLabel id="nameField" ref={nameFieldRef} label="Name" field={<input autocomplete="name" required />} />
5 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/21/2024 in #support
Rendering <input>s in <For>
How can I reference a dynamic number of <input>s to read their value? Thanks.
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/12/2024 in #support
Handling <input>
Is this a correct way to handle <input> fields? <input onInput={e => setUserName(} value={userName()} /> Or should I use a ref instead and read the field value when it is needed? Is there a concept of "controlled input" in solidjs? Or only "uncontrolled input"? Thanks.
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/6/2024 in #support
Is this a correct implementation? :)
I'm new to both JSX and Solid. Is this a correct implementation or can it be simplified?
const NavLink = (props) => {
const [_, restProps] = splitProps(props, ["href", "children"]);
return <a href={UrlPrefix + props.href} {...restProps}>{props.children}</a>;
const NavLink = (props) => {
const [_, restProps] = splitProps(props, ["href", "children"]);
return <a href={UrlPrefix + props.href} {...restProps}>{props.children}</a>;
The goal is to render a <a> with a customized href prop, rendering the children, while passing all other props unmodified. Thanks.
3 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/3/2024 in #support
Reactive array transformation
What is the correct way to make the result of a filtering+mapping operation on an array reactive?
return store.productTreeData
.filter(e => e.parentId == parentId)
.map(e => {
const children = ...
return { productTreeItem: e, children: children.length > 0 ? children : null };
return store.productTreeData
.filter(e => e.parentId == parentId)
.map(e => {
const children = ...
return { productTreeItem: e, children: children.length > 0 ? children : null };
What should I write instead of the object literal? What I would like to do is to refactor some code to separate functions but the result to remain "reactive". Thanks.
6 replies
Created by snorbi on 11/3/2024 in #support
Display HTML entity
How can I display a text containing HTML entities? <div>{props.text}</div> displays the source code version of the entity. Thanks.
2 replies