Deploying Web Service, PostGIS and running one-off import
I'm really bashing my head against this:
- I'm using a dockerfile to build my api (Python, FastAPI)
- I've setup a postgis/postgis as a DB instance and can now connect successfully after a lot of googling to figure out Private Networking isn't working reliably with alpine even though the docker images at a glance looked to be debian-based.
- The same docker build has a secondary script that sets the database up (creates tables etc.), then downloads a dump and finally prepares the data for import into postgresql
Now, the issue I'm facing is:
- There seems to be no way to connect into either a running container or starting a one-off container (similar to what Heroku does behind the scenes) for me to run the import script.
- I managed to kind of hack my way around deploying another service using the same image, and lining ENVs, but since the import script takes a substantial amount of time (15+ minutes) the container was terminated early.
- What options do I have?
- It seems lacking not to be able to spin up a temporary pod or run one-offs?
- If I have a long-running container with a hard-to-replicate bug in production, how can I debug this without access to the container?
While it might be possible to accomplish the above without access to an attaching console or one-off it feels like I'm trying to do a lot of gymnastics to get a simple project going.
Other than this, I really like the feel of the UI and what you are doing -- much rather use this than manage K8S myself.
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