How to add canonical tag ?
Hello, I wanted to know how to add canonical tag in Nuxt 3 ?
I tried to add '@nuxtjs/sitemap' and '@nuxtjs/robots'
And I added this to my nuxt config :
site: {
url: '',
seo: {
redirectToCanonicalSiteUrl: true
1 replies
Cloudinary Upload Widget Example ?
I try to use Cloudinary Upload Widget example ( but I have cors error, do you have an example of setup in localhost to work with ?
1 replies
Set a const when go to a page ?
Hello guys, can I go to a page and pass an object ?
I have this in my admin/races/create.vue
const race = ref<RaceFormInterface>(<RaceFormInterface>{
id: null,
raceType: 0,
name: '',
gender: '',
date: '',
time: '',
distance: 0,
price: 0,
paymentTypes: [],
maxParticipants: 0,
description: ''
Is it possible from a page (ex : /admin/races) to have a NuxtLink and where I can say :race="itemRace (from a v-for)" which go to /admin/race/create and set the race object in the create.vue ?
2 replies
Error 500 on fetch user, but API returns me data
Hello, I have 500 error, but I dont know why because the API call is good
[GET] "https://localhost:9001/api/user": <no response> fetch failed
at async $fetchRaw2 (./node_modules/ofetch/dist/shared/ofetch.00501375.mjs:228:14)
at async $fetch2 (./node_modules/ofetch/dist/shared/ofetch.00501375.mjs:261:15)
at async Module.useApiFetch (./composables/useApiFetch.ts:20:10)
at async Proxy.fetchUser (./stores/authStore.ts:34:24)
at async ./plugins/loadUser.ts:10:85
at async setup (./virtual:nuxt:/home/thibaut/projects/nuxt-3/.nuxt/plugins/server.mjs:40:116)
at async Object.callAsync (./node_modules/unctx/dist/index.mjs:72:16)
at async applyPlugin (./node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:116:25)
at async executePlugin (./node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:153:9)
Here is the method called in a loadUser plugin
Here is the console :
GET http://localhost:3000/ 500 (Internal Server Error)
devtools.client.mjs?v=83be3009:51 ✨ Nuxt DevTools Press Shift + Alt + D to open DevTools
authStore.ts:50 RESPONSE {id: 2, email: '', scope: Array(2)}
<Suspense> is an experimental feature and its API will likely change.
backend.js:3301 🍍 "auth" store installed 🆕
2 replies