•Created by PastaGringo on 5/30/2024 in #🙋questions
WASP_SERVER_URL not applied into ToDoApp tutorial
I'm doing the Wasp tutorial TodoApp from one of my VPS.
The frontend run on a https URL and the backend needs to run on another https URL.
I've configued on nginx proxy "wasp.domain.tld" to redirect frontend url to localhost:3000 and another proxy "wasp.domain.tld" to localhost:3001.
I've updated the .env file with:
When I start the project with wsap start and access to the frontend I can see "Loading..." & "AxiosError: Network Error".
When I check the console I can find that the backend is searched with url http://localhost:3001/operations/get-tasks
This URL should have been updated with the WASP_SERVER_URL env var no?
Thanks 🙂
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