Josh Deltener
Josh Deltener
Created by Josh Deltener on 6/25/2024 in #❓・help
What's the right way to install Pinia?
The docs say to install pinia @pinia/nuxt, but @pinia/nuxt already has pinia as a dep.. (and we've been just using that for months) We're moving from yarn to npm and just noticed this diff. So are the install docs outdated, or is there another reason we're supposed to install pinia by itself along with @pinia/nuxt?
6 replies
Created by Josh Deltener on 4/10/2024 in #❓・help
File hashes change even when contents doesn't
We've been noticing when using Nuxt3/Vite, every time a build is created, all filenames change even if nothing has changed. Is this a vite? thing or a Nuxt thing? Is there any way around it? With Nuxt 2/Webpack the filenames didn't change if something didn't change so cache-hit ratios and website stability was better.
1 replies