Nuxt Content v3 layouts I cant do something like this:
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData(route.path, () => {
return queryCollection('content').path(route.path).first()
layout: page.value?.meta?.layout ?? "default"
Because Await expressions are not supported in definePageMeta
10 replies
How to make only one request when website build
Yeah, I know about rate limit, but I want to make only one request, but nuxt plugin on generate runs each time while prerendering each page individually, I just want to get the data once and save it to a variable and then use it in navigation as a static variable on static website
3 replies
[Content Module]: Infinite page loading when using ProseUl with documentDriven set to true
Hey, check this issue: maybe its connected - remove nuxt-icon and try it again
7 replies
How to use new nuxt-icon with nuxt-ui
The reason why I want to do it: if there is a workaround I would also use it
7 replies