Joshuah - 2000 -
Joshuah - 2000 -
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
So multipliers, multiply the percentage of the random amount then?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
And it does that every time?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I'm sorry. I know I'm extremely ignorant to how your bot works. I'm trying my best to understand it. It's much more complicated than I originally expected. When the bot rewards a user with XP, is the amount of XP inconsistent? In other words, does the bot reward a random amount of XP per message?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Would that be the leveling role hierarchy?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
The only reason that my global multiplier is so low, is because I only have 20 levels, and I don't want the users to fly through the ranks that quickly.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I finally got the bot rewarding users now, however it's extremely slow. The calculator says that it should only take 5 messages to reach level 2, so that should be roughly 30 XP per message. The bot is currently rewarding users 1XP per message, but that's with the multiplier cranked up to 4 in #run-a-mile. What I'm wondering is if the global multiplier is what's getting in the way.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
On the level calculator, let's say my desired level is level 2, and my current level is 0. The XP required to get to level 2 is 150XP. We are running a multiplier of ×1.1. The approximate amount of messages estimated to reach level 2 is "5" , which the amount of time it should take to reach that level is approximately 7 minutes. If we take the amount of XP required for level 2, and divide that by the amount of messages required to send, we should get the amount of XP that we will receive per message sent. That should look something like this... 150XP ÷ 5MSSG = 30XP/MSSG What's going on here?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Hang on... Wait a second. My global is set as ×0.01 Channel for #run-a-mile is ×1.1 Is the bot running this equation? 1.1 × 0.01 = 0.01
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Okay. I already have all the screenshots, so that's not a problem. Do I need to kick the bot again, or can I reset while it's in the server without causing any issues?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Okay... I kicked the bot and reinvited it. All the configurations were still in the bot's dashboard, which I did not expect. I tested the bot by sending a message in #push-ups and #run-a-mile, and I'm frustrated to say that the test failed. I don't know what else to do...
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I'm going to get rid of the bot and reinvite it into the server, and give it all the same permissions and programming. Once I've gotten the bot all setup again, I'll test it out and let you know how it went.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I am using my alt account for testing, and no, I do not have any of those roles.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Okay, I've switched the bot to blacklist, no channels, and I'm still not receiving XP for messages.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Okay, I will change that and see if that works. The problem was though, my whitelist was all setup and everything, for the channels that I wanted users to gain XP from, but that wasn't working, so I got rid of all the channels.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Cool! 👍 Thank you.
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I believe this is what you need:
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
Admin should be enough, correct?
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
50 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Joshuah - 2000 - on 4/2/2023 in #support
Leveling Issues
I performed another test today, and I still have not received any XP. I should probably tell you what this server is all about, seems as you've assisted me a few times now. This server is a roleplay server for people who play a game called "Space Engineers". In the screenshot provided of our current leaderboard, I am @TESTERPROGRAM (an alt account used for testing my discord server operations), and after sending 3 messages in each channel which is given a greater multiplier than global, those channels being #push-ups and #run-a-mile, you can see, I still have no XP. I had noticed that the user @Thunder, a new member to the server, was not gaining any XP, so I added up all his messages and the total amount of XP that he should have had, and I ran the command /xp add user:@TESTERPROGRAM#0073 amount:37. He has not gained any XP since. I cannot figure out why the leveling feature has come to a complete hault. It was working prior to me inviting users into the server. I wanted to specifically make sure that the leveling system would at least work properly, apart from everything else, prior to letting people into the server. Well... It was working, but for some reason, once I started inviting people in, it just stopped. That's when I started experimenting with my alt, and I had posted for support shortly after.
50 replies