DTDrizzle Team
Created by irelynx on 1/15/2024 in #help
Weird Query builder behavior (extras)
Hello! I have experiencing weird situation while using Drizzle query builder. My code is the following:
// schema.ts
import * as db from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const products = db.pgTable('products', {
id: db.char('id', { length: 26 }).primaryKey().$defaultFn(() => ulid()),
// other fields ...

export const pricesMinMaxView = db.pgMaterializedView('latest_prices_minmax', {
productId: db.char('productId', { length: 26 }).notNull(),
avg_price: db.real('avg_price'),

// index.ts
import * as schema from './schena.ts';
const sqlClient = postgres(env.PG_URL);
const db = drizzle(sqlClient, {
logger: true,

// actual code
console.log((db.dialect as PgDialect)?.sqlToQuery(sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('t').getSQL()).sql);
// prints: (select "latest_prices_minmax"."avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1)

// BUT:
columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
avgPrice: sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('avgPrice'),
limit: 10
// prints: select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $1
// schema.ts
import * as db from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const products = db.pgTable('products', {
id: db.char('id', { length: 26 }).primaryKey().$defaultFn(() => ulid()),
// other fields ...

export const pricesMinMaxView = db.pgMaterializedView('latest_prices_minmax', {
productId: db.char('productId', { length: 26 }).notNull(),
avg_price: db.real('avg_price'),

// index.ts
import * as schema from './schena.ts';
const sqlClient = postgres(env.PG_URL);
const db = drizzle(sqlClient, {
logger: true,

// actual code
console.log((db.dialect as PgDialect)?.sqlToQuery(sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('t').getSQL()).sql);
// prints: (select "latest_prices_minmax"."avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1)

// BUT:
columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
avgPrice: sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('avgPrice'),
limit: 10
// prints: select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $1
The question is: why Drizzle generates different query, replacing table name in some cases? Maybe i am doing something wrong? Thanks in advance! (drizzle-orm: 0.29.3, node 20)
24 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by irelynx on 9/10/2023 in #help
How to add custom SQL queries during or after migration in drizzle schema?
Hi all. I would like to execute some SQL queries during (or after) migration. Is there a way how I can do it without calling SQL queries each time at application startup? In my use-case I am trying to make fixed partitions to improve performance, but that way can also be used to create custom and more complex indexes or event triggers.
9 replies