Weird Query builder behavior (extras)

Hello! I have experiencing weird situation while using Drizzle query builder. My code is the following:
// schema.ts
import * as db from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const products = db.pgTable('products', {
id: db.char('id', { length: 26 }).primaryKey().$defaultFn(() => ulid()),
// other fields ...

export const pricesMinMaxView = db.pgMaterializedView('latest_prices_minmax', {
productId: db.char('productId', { length: 26 }).notNull(),
avg_price: db.real('avg_price'),

// index.ts
import * as schema from './schena.ts';
const sqlClient = postgres(env.PG_URL);
const db = drizzle(sqlClient, {
logger: true,

// actual code
console.log((db.dialect as PgDialect)?.sqlToQuery(sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('t').getSQL()).sql);
// prints: (select "latest_prices_minmax"."avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1)

// BUT:
columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
avgPrice: sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('avgPrice'),
limit: 10
// prints: select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $1
// schema.ts
import * as db from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const products = db.pgTable('products', {
id: db.char('id', { length: 26 }).primaryKey().$defaultFn(() => ulid()),
// other fields ...

export const pricesMinMaxView = db.pgMaterializedView('latest_prices_minmax', {
productId: db.char('productId', { length: 26 }).notNull(),
avg_price: db.real('avg_price'),

// index.ts
import * as schema from './schena.ts';
const sqlClient = postgres(env.PG_URL);
const db = drizzle(sqlClient, {
logger: true,

// actual code
console.log((db.dialect as PgDialect)?.sqlToQuery(sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('t').getSQL()).sql);
// prints: (select "latest_prices_minmax"."avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1)

// BUT:
columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
avgPrice: sql<number | null>`(select ${schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price} from ${schema.pricesMinMaxView} where ${eq(schema.pricesMinMaxView.productId,} limit 1)`.as('avgPrice'),
limit: 10
// prints: select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit 1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $1
The question is: why Drizzle generates different query, replacing table name in some cases? Maybe i am doing something wrong? Thanks in advance! (drizzle-orm: 0.29.3, node 20)
17 Replies
Angelelz14mo ago
Can you try the extras like this?
extras: {
avgPrice:{ avgPrice: schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price })
extras: {
avgPrice:{ avgPrice: schema.pricesMinMaxView.avg_price })
Or better yet, define the subquery outside
irelynxOP14mo ago
Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately it didn't help much: 1. TypeScipt linter arguing:
Type 'PgColumn<{ name: "avg_price"; tableName: "avgPrice"; dataType: "number"; columnType: "PgReal"; data: number; driverParam: string | number; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: undefined; baseColumn: never; }, {}, {}>' is missing the following properties from type 'Aliased<unknown>': sql, fieldAlias ts(2739)
Type 'PgColumn<{ name: "avg_price"; tableName: "avgPrice"; dataType: "number"; columnType: "PgReal"; data: number; driverParam: string | number; notNull: false; hasDefault: false; enumValues: undefined; baseColumn: never; }, {}, {}>' is missing the following properties from type 'Aliased<unknown>': sql, fieldAlias ts(2739)
2. Also, there is runtime error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'queryChunks')
at mapColumnsInSQLToAlias (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/alias.ts:111:24)
at mapColumnsInAliasedSQLToAlias (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/alias.ts:107:25)
at PgDialect.buildRelationalQueryWithoutPK (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/dialect.ts:1143:14)
at QueryPromise._getQuery (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:109:23)
at QueryPromise._toSQL (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:126:22)
at <anonymous> (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:85:39)
at Object.startActiveSpan (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/tracing.ts:27:11)
at QueryPromise._prepare (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:84:17)
at <anonymous> (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:139:16)
at Object.startActiveSpan (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/tracing.ts:27:11)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'queryChunks')
at mapColumnsInSQLToAlias (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/alias.ts:111:24)
at mapColumnsInAliasedSQLToAlias (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/alias.ts:107:25)
at PgDialect.buildRelationalQueryWithoutPK (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/dialect.ts:1143:14)
at QueryPromise._getQuery (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:109:23)
at QueryPromise._toSQL (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:126:22)
at <anonymous> (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:85:39)
at Object.startActiveSpan (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/tracing.ts:27:11)
at QueryPromise._prepare (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:84:17)
at <anonymous> (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/pg-core/query-builders/query.ts:139:16)
at Object.startActiveSpan (node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/src/tracing.ts:27:11)
Angelelz14mo ago
Of all the error I thought it would show, that was not one of them import * as db from "drizzle-orm/pg-core ??
irelynxOP14mo ago
i tried to remove .as("avgPrice").avgPrice and added .getSQL().as('avgPrice'), then query builds, but it looks like this:
select "id", select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit $1 as "avgPrice" from "products" where "products"."id" = $2 limit $3
select "id", select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "products"."productId" = "products"."id" limit $1 as "avgPrice" from "products" where "products"."id" = $2 limit $3
what do you mean by this message?
Angelelz14mo ago
I just thought it was weird to name it that, but I see you probably did that only in the schema file
irelynxOP14mo ago
yeah, sorry for awkward naming
Angelelz14mo ago
I guess try it like this. Typescript playground
TS Playground - An online editor for exploring TypeScript and JavaS...
The Playground lets you write TypeScript or JavaScript online in a safe and sharable way.
irelynxOP14mo ago
now generated query looks like this:
select "id", "avg_price" as "avgPrice" from "products" where "products"."id" = $1 limit $2
select "id", "avg_price" as "avgPrice" from "products" where "products"."id" = $1 limit $2
Angelelz14mo ago
lol I guess you'll have to use crud API
irelynxOP14mo ago
oh, finally! i changed your code a little bit and now it produces valid SQL!
const sq ={ avgPrice: pricesMinMaxView.avg_price })
// .as("avgPrice") // remove

columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
// avgPrice: sql<number>`${sq.avgPrice}`.as("avgPrice")
avgPrice: sql<number>`${sq}`.as("avgPrice")
limit: 10
const sq ={ avgPrice: pricesMinMaxView.avg_price })
// .as("avgPrice") // remove

columns: {
id: true,
extras: {
// avgPrice: sql<number>`${sq.avgPrice}`.as("avgPrice")
avgPrice: sql<number>`${sq}`.as("avgPrice")
limit: 10
produced SQL:
select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit $1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $2
select "id", (select "avg_price" from "latest_prices_minmax" where "latest_prices_minmax"."productId" = "products"."id" limit $1) as "avgPrice" from "products" limit $2
I will try it out on bigger query and write down if everything is fine or not. Thanks again for your help!
Angelelz14mo ago
Damn, I know that 🤦‍♂️
irelynxOP14mo ago
😀 yeap, everything is fine now.
Omar Goubail
Omar Goubail12mo ago
This example helped me alot thank you, but If you don't mind I have a question. In my case it doesn't return number it returns an an array of objects.
const numOfDevs = await db
numOfDevs: count(,
.where(eq(developer.developerId, String(developerId)))
// the numOfDevs returns [ { numOfDevs: 0 } ] not the number directly

const project = await db.query.project.findFirst({
where: eq(, String(projectId)),
with: { categories: { with: { subCategories: {} } } },
extras: {
numOfDevs: sql<number>`${numOfDevs}`.as('numOfDevs'),
const numOfDevs = await db
numOfDevs: count(,
.where(eq(developer.developerId, String(developerId)))
// the numOfDevs returns [ { numOfDevs: 0 } ] not the number directly

const project = await db.query.project.findFirst({
where: eq(, String(projectId)),
with: { categories: { with: { subCategories: {} } } },
extras: {
numOfDevs: sql<number>`${numOfDevs}`.as('numOfDevs'),
Did you by any chance find a way around this?
irelynxOP12mo ago
I am not sure, but it can happens because of
const numOfDevs = await... // you are receiving result here!
const numOfDevs = await... // you are receiving result here!
Try to remove await, and check again
Omar Goubail
Omar Goubail12mo ago
You were right, it worked thank you! But why does this happen though, is this a js Promises thing or a drizzle thing? I am not sure I understand why.
irelynxOP12mo ago
I am not sure how exactly it works under the hood, but all "queries" that you await - will be executed and you will receive an execution result, but if you will not await - it can be used as a subquery later in your code. I am not sure though is it possible to store them separately or not (like, create special file with all subqueries and import one of them then it needed)
Omar Goubail
Omar Goubail12mo ago
I am still very curious and will probably try to learn more about this later. Thank you for your help though. Will let you know if I learn anything.

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