Handle record creation
It is way better practice to use mutators in what are you doing:
As laravel will automatically do it for you
5 replies
Is it possible to remove the number on the wizard steps at runtime
I don't believe it is currently possible to remove number, you can replace it with icon. My suggestion would be you could extend Wizard class and have your own blade file which would allow you to add some extra options, but I don't think you can do this out the box
3 replies
Class "Filament\Forms\Components\TextArea" not found
Hi! I know Macs allow namespaces to be upper and lowercase and it doesn't care, but most of the servers do care! I believe the class is actually
and not Filament\Forms\Components\TextArea.php
, that might be causing issues6 replies
Help with reactive view
If it's 2 separate livewire components you could use
on the field and trigger livewire event, thats the only thing i can think off, but there might be a better way replies