Filamentβ€’12mo ago

Action does not refresh page component

I have an action that updates model in view page, but once action is completed it does not refresh oage with new data, is there a quick way triggering that without going into Livewire events and defining event in each page to trigger '$refresh' ? Thank for the help πŸ‘
3 Replies
wyChoongβ€’12mo ago
Actions - Pages - Admin Panel - Filament
The elegant TALL stack admin panel for Laravel artisans.
ByteXRβ€’12mo ago
Thank you! Don't think it will work in my case as it is not a form, think I am going to have to issue livewire event
toekneeβ€’12mo ago
As it's not a livewire/filament form then you will have to write a method to trigger a refresh as per: https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/actions
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