Matti Airas
Explore posts from serversSKSignal K
•Created by Kees on 12/31/2024 in #sensors
Kees - Is there a repositor with examples on us...
You measure the voltage over the thermistor. The gauge can measure the resistance either using constant current or constant voltage. The former has a linear relationship with the resistance, with the latter you need to get a few points to estimate the curve.
12 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Kees on 2/17/2025 in #sensors
Kees - For the HALMET; if I lets say i want to ...
My knee-jerk reaction always is that you should preferably have a ground connection close to the sensor to minimize the electrical "loop area". However, given that engines and engine panels seem to be often designed to just have one common ground for the dashboard, my knee-jerk reaction might not be realistic.
Having ground routed separately from the signal only results in noise induced in that signal. The AC inputs in HALMET nevertheless have fairly strong low-pass signaling, and I think it's unlikely that the noise would be strong enough to impact the digital signal inputs.
So, long story short, don't worry too much, as long as you have at least one ground wire to one of the Dx or Ax inputs. If you seem to have some spurious inputs, then try adding a ground wire close to the signal wire to reduce the noise.
3 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Kees on 12/31/2024 in #sensors
Kees - Is there a repositor with examples on us...
Why? It's just a voltage measurement. Of course, it gets more complicated if your gauge is using the system nominal 12V (that is anything but 12V) as a reference; then you need to measure the reference voltage as well.
12 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Владимир Калачихин on 2/4/2025 in #server
Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...
Or in other words, you are free to express your unhappiness, but you need to use a different tone.
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Владимир Калачихин on 2/4/2025 in #server
Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...
Nobody has mentioned banning.
Go have a cup of coffee, reflect on your goals wrt. this community, and think about what kind of behavior will best help you achieve those goals.
Also note that you being a "jerk" (your words, not mine - calling other people names would be grounds for banning) is a choice and not a rule of nature. You can choose how you behave.
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by Владимир Калачихин on 2/4/2025 in #server
Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...
<Admin hat on>Please go read the server #rules again. Your behavior is not necessary, constructive or acceptable. @Ed said it very well.</Admin hat off>
19 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by itkujo on 12/18/2024 in #server
Re HASS; it depends on how you see the relationship between SK and HA. I think it might even be tempting to make SK a HA add-on but I probably haven't thought it through...
15 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by sailingYOLO on 1/12/2025 in #sensesp
sailingYOLO - Hi,I'm trying to get engine run...
Have a look at LambdaConsumer and the lambda tutorials. Lambdas are just functions with a fancy syntax; hence, LambdaConsumer takes the input and feeds it to a function. It doesn't even have to be a lambda; a pointer to a regular function works as well. In that function, you can assign the input to a variable or do any other shenanigans you want to.
8 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by sailingYOLO on 1/12/2025 in #sensesp
sailingYOLO - Hi,I'm trying to get engine run...
You have a couple of different things here that you can tackle independently. First, you need to get the data sent. If you named your engine runtime path
but don't have it in the data browser, for some reason the data isn't produced properly. That is the first thing to tackle. The value is a float, and the units are seconds.
Once you have that sorted out, you can start looking into your SensESP code. Receiving and display update are different functions and it's better to keep them separate, especially because you have an e-paper display which you don't want to update every second.
Receiving the data done with a FloatSKListener. This is a very simple example of how to do that:
Decoupling of the receiver and display updates can be done using a separate variable: you write the runtime value into a variable, and have an independent screen updates by calling your update function with onRepeat
. The button handler can call the update function separately.
Alternatively, you can keep everything within the realm of SensESP producers and consumers. In that case, you would put a Throttle
transform between the listener and the output call to limit the number of updates. If you want to update the display even if the input stream goes silent, you can change that to RepeatConstantRate
. You then call your update function with a LambdaConsumer
that is connected to the repeating transform.
To handle the button press, you could have a Filter
transform that connects to the runTime listener (that produces values every second or so) and only transmits its value if a button press has been registered (indicated for example by a flag variable). This transform would be in parallel to the Throttle or RepeatConstantRate and would connect to the same LambdaConsumer update object.8 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by MattNJ on 1/4/2025 in #sensesp
MattNJ - Hi, be gentle, im new to this! I have ...
But search the examples and the documentation for LambdaConsumer, I think you should get useful results.
5 replies
SKSignal K
•Created by MattNJ on 1/4/2025 in #sensesp
MattNJ - Hi, be gentle, im new to this! I have ...
Connect a LambdaConsumer to the producer you want to use and make the lambda save the input to a variable. I'm not on a computer right now so I can't easily give you an example but if you feel you could use one, I can provide one later.
5 replies