•Created by Siegfried27 on 11/4/2024 in #questions
How is the best way to design and test my system?
In NixOs i saw that is possible to rebuild and use the changes in realtime, is or is planned something simalr? When i am configuring my system is a bit annoying waiting for the whole gh action to succeed and then reboot the system
9 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 8/19/2024 in #questions
which is the best way to create a subsystem automatically?
I want to create a fedora subsystem when the user first login. Is yafti the best tool? Running distrobox-assemble is enough.
11 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 7/29/2024 in #questions
Chezmoi module does not initialize
I added a chezmoi module on my recipe but it does not work updating with rpm-ostree , only works with a fresh install?
7 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 7/28/2024 in #questions
gschema.override did not worked
14 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 7/27/2024 in #questions
Encrypt fedora silverblue
Is there any way to encrypt the disk and ask for a password each time I turn on the pc?
27 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 7/27/2024 in #questions
Incomplete yafti module documentation
65 replies
•Created by Siegfried27 on 7/26/2024 in #questions
ISO image does not work on gnome boxes
I followed the instructions for building the iso image however when i use it on gnome boxes the VM can not be started
7 replies