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0.9.0, custom modules can't be referenced anymore?

172 │ - type: wayblue-signing
· ────────┬────────
· ╰── is not valid under any of the schemas
172 │ - type: wayblue-signing
· ────────┬────────
· ╰── is not valid under any of the schemas

Creating distrobox images ?

As distrobox/toolbox are deeply integrated into the typical cloud-native OS workflow, I feel like there should be an equivalent to bluebuild for generating distrobox/toolbox images (preferably from .yml files). I already forked and edited the boxkit repo to achieve similar results but it would be nice to have an official bluebuild-like tool, to have the functionality integrated into bluebuild itself, or a sister project to bluebuild itself....

using dnf bundles? (@cosmic-desktop-environment) the "correct" way to use a tagged release of installing the cosmic desktop environment right now is something I'd never heard of before, in a non-ostree environment it'd be dnf install @cosmic-desktop-environment a "bundle" of packages I guess? On my first attempt to do this as a plain ol' rpm-ostree package I got ``` × Recipe ./recipes/DX-GTS.yml failed to validate ╰─▶ × Failed to deserialize recipe ./recipes/DX-GTS.yml...

Problem on define Xorg in rpm-ostree module.

(Sorry for my bad english) So I want to installed bspwm in image, so I follow docs to define in recipe . Then I found that X11 is not installed, so then I add Xorg to rpm-ostree package. But It's still not installed in the image, all I can do is doing ```bash...

Build failing since past couple of iterations

So my build is failing with the reason of invalid schema, even though I did not make any changes to the reciple.yml Here's the recipe file: Here's the error log:

"is not valid under any of the schemas listed in the 'anyOf' " error

How to resolve this error? I inserted the schema at the top of the all modules.yml file and the error still persists
I solved it by putting "[ ]" where there is an empty list

akmods with external copr repo fails

```[09:35:24 g.i/t/apple-dots:latest] => 11.01 Resolving dependencies...done [09:35:24 g.i/t/apple-dots:latest] => 11.03 error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected: [09:35:24 g.i/t/apple-dots:latest] => 11.03 Problem: package kernel-uki-virt-6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64 from updates-archive requires kernel-modules-core-uname-r = 6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64, but none of the providers can be installed [09:35:24 g.i/t/apple-dots:latest] => 11.03 - package kmod-facetimehd- from @commandline requires kernel-uname-r = 6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64, but none of the providers can be installed [09:35:24 g.i/t/apple-dots:latest] => 11.03 - cannot install both kernel-modules-core-6.11.10-300.fc41.x86_64 from updates-archive and kernel-modules-core-6.11.3-300.fc41.x86_64 from @System...

Default Plymouth on custom image

Is there any way to set default Plymouth on custom image?

Build just keeps running if recipe defined in build.yml is not present in recipes folder

I have run into what seems to be an interesting edge case. I renamed my recipe file, but accidentally didn't include the new file in the commit with the changed entry in build.yml. The build seems to have just stalled in the building custom image phase, with no errors or stopping (been 10 minutes now).

Recipes failing to validate

Hey! I'm trying to adapt my custom image recipes to pass BlueBuild CLI's validation based on the latest blog post and looking at some of the maintainers' own recipes. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. ``` × Recipe recipes/recipe-toybox.yml failed to validate ╰─▶ × 11 errors encountered...
I think it's the remove: property you have. According to the spec it should be uninstall: instead. I've really got to work on filtering out all the irrelevant jsonschema errors

After updating the github action to 1.8.0 the recipe fails to validate

link to recipe I don't know what exactly is wrong, it suggests to add the yaml-language-server thingy, but I'm clueless about that. The changelog says that non populated options aren't valid anymore, I don't have those. That's all that is mentioned about image validation What do I have to do to fix this?...
Install only supports a list of strings. What you have there is a list of objects because of the use of the colon on each line
No description

Recipe.yml not refreshing after upgrade to bluebuild 1.8 After upgrading to the bluebuild 1.8 i got an error becausde my chezmoi module was improperly configured. I fixed my recipe according to the documentation (picture 1). ...
No description

Update blue-build from 1.6 to 1.8.

Hi there. Sorry for such a "lazy" question, but I'm a bit overwhelmed with my Phd courses right now and I can't find the time to troubleshoot my issue. Can anyone take a look at the following PR and give me a brief explanation why it doesn't work? I thought I had completed the migration steps about a month ago. ...
i'll elaborate on that; dependabot is technically an outside contributor to your project, so it does not have access to the signing secrets needed for a successful build

default-flatpaks subsets

Is there any way to set a subset, like verified, for a flatpak remote (called repo in bluebuild) in the default-flatpaks module?

Fonts module no longer working

I recently updated the BlueBuild action version in my repository and fonts are no longer being installed by the fonts module. Module config: ```yaml - type: fonts # install JetBrainsMono NF...

error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected

Hello, I've been getting this message after trying to make a custom image: Example of a bad Github Action: It says there is a problem, but it doesn't specify where or what is wrong:
[17:02:33 g.i/m/my-kinoite-nvidia:latest] => 13.88 error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected:...

how to integrate ublue-update?

I am in the process of trying to figure out how to have automatic updates along with myOS I'd like to have the notification enabled as well, just can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated...
should be in bling iirc

Ollama tips?

There are several ways to install ollama for local LLM use. Here is my experience so far: 1) Using brew Pros: Brew module keeps packages up to date, and since ollama gets updated quite frequently it makes using it a breeze Cons: ...

Gnome extensions module stopped working

Hi everyone, I'm using the gnome extensions module but for some reason it stopped working yesterday. This was the first broken build: I tried building it locally with the blue-build cli and it worked, but then I upgraded the CLI and it broke (sorry i'm not sure what version i was on before). I can't seem to find any messages on why it failed. Any help debugging is appreciated.