How to create an image from Bazzite? What am I missing?

Thanks for all the documentation. I've been poking through it, I feel like I'm missing something on this page: I want to build an image with bazzite (fairly minimal changes in mind currently, emacs, some fonts, maybe a few other things). It's just not really clear how I'd go from bazzite to getting a custom image. I get to: Installing an image based on Universal Blue But then it seems like it skips down to already having a custom image to install? It is a bit confusing to me because it seems like all of the commands refer to a fake image: Just feels like I'm going from step 1 to step 3.
Building on Universal Blue
Everything you need to know about building custom images on Universal Blue
8 Replies
somebody once told me
in your recipe.yml for your custom image change the URL to the Bazzite one iirc @Michael
MichaelOP7d ago
Awesome thanks. So I start with the unsigned image and then add my changes? Then I generate the new image?
somebody once told me
just change the URL like I said, then go from there
MichaelOP7d ago
Thanks, will give it a shot
ledif3d ago
If you want an example of a custom Bazzite image using blue-build, you can check out my custom image based on
xyny2d ago
you're right, this is an inconsistency in the docs i will make an issue for this and proceed to forget about it for the next few months lol
MichaelOP2d ago
Many thanks for the follow up, I ended up getting what I needed with a sysext. I believe in the docs it says universal blue images wouldn't build for free on github. At some point, I need to write a script for my brew stuff and the sysext stuff in case I need to get the image setup in the future (a new machine possibly).
xyny2d ago
I believe in the docs it says universal blue images wouldn't build for free on github.
Where does it say that? Everything builds for free on github, the only thing that isn't free is hosting offline ISOs.

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